The Bold Voice of J&K
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letters to editor


There is dire need for ensuring corrective course for those living in respective jails of the country as these can be misused by enemies of the nation to breed anti-nationals as was seen in many cases in the past. The situation of jails in

Let’s start new year by planting a tree

Dear Editor,Since it's the beginning of new year, let's all pledge to plant more trees to make our earth green. Trees have furnished us with two of life's essentials, food andoxygen. As we evolved, they provided additional necessities such

Stay safe from coronavirus

Dear Editor,Several states across the country have begun to ease lockdown regulations, except in places where COVID-19 risk is high. But it's important for all of us to continue to strictly follow all safety guidelines to avoid contracting

Stay safe during cold wave

Dear Editor,As weather man has predicted an intense cold wave in Northern India during coming days, with mercury dipping to low levels, necessary precautions are required to be taken for remaining safe from cold, especially during the

Deteriorating sanitary condition

Dear Editor,Modern materialistic human beings have only destroyed and polluted the environment. Jammu city is one of the under-developed cities in India and the surrounding areas of the city are also too much polluted. Even the centre or

How to tackle exam stress

Dear Editor,During this pandemic time and with the start of exam season, students are in fear and are stressed. This exam stress can cause students to feel anxious, which in turn can affect their sleep and concentration, thus leading to a

Discrimination with non-migrant Sikhs

Dear Editor,Time and again government has turned a complete blind eye towards non-migrant Kashmiri Sikh community by not extending benefits of PM's job package to them. Recently J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has advertised 1997

Importance of philanthropy (Propkaar)

Dear Editor,During this worst period of COVID-19 pandemic, the people of all walks of life have had hit badly economically, physically,mentally, socially, losing jobs in all sectors painfully. A number of precious human lives such as

Books-the best gift

Dear Editor,Gifts play a unique role in any kind of celebration. They make everyone excited and curious no matter how young or old they are.One should gift someone a gift that should lastforever and books serve to be one of the best gift
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