The Bold Voice of J&K

Passenger sheds ‘serving’ beggars, vendors but not passengers

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Dear Editor,
Commuters are forced to stand on roads to wait for transports as most of the passenger sheds in the city and in outskirts are occupied by hawkers, clothshops while many are serving as a rest place to beggars and other unwanted guests in the city. All these have grabbed the passenger sheds, forcing the passengers to stand on the roads.
Constructed for the benefit of commuters travelling by public transport, the passengers sheds in the city are now serving vendors these days, as they have set up their businesses there.
Moreover, one can find that people have set up even makeshift kitchens and beddings in these structures where passengers were supposed to wait for the public transport.
These stops have turned out to be a wastage of money, as these are not being utilised for the purpose they were constructed. In turn, these have become a favourite spot for hawkers and vendors, who run their business from there.
It is really surprising that the passenger shed on the back side of JMC complex which is just opposite the bus-stand has been grabbed by some people who have even setup a makeshift kitchen, bedding there and living comfortably as no one is there to question them. There is nothing wrong in saying that all the employees working in JMC, passes by this area but no one has ever noticed this. This casual approach is the reason why such people make merry and have the guts to encroach public property without any fear.
Another passenger shed at Kachi Chawni near Ranbir Library is occupied by stray dogs and beggars and one cannot even stand there.
It is very unfortunate that right under the nose of JMC people has grabbed public property and JMC is unaware about it and no efforts are ever made by the concerned authorities to deal with the problem. Due to this approach, general public has to suffer. These are for the benefit of passengers and the authorities need to maintain them properly.
The authorities should remove encroachments from all these stops, as they are proving useless for general public and not serving the purpose. In this cold, people are forced to stand on roads and these encroachers are enjoying the sheds meant for commuters. The authorities need to deal with them strictly.
Through your esteemed daily, I would like to request the concerned to take immediate steps to remove all the encroachments from these sheds.
Sugandh Sharma,

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