The Bold Voice of J&K

Ways to bury rape monster

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Sunaina Malik  

At last wounded soul of Tabinda Gani, who has been in anticipation of justice since 20th July 2007, has got justice when her four culprits Azar Mir, Sadiq Mir, Suresh Mochi and Jahangir Bihari met their devastating end for their atrocious act of rape and then cold blooded slay of that innocent 8th class Tabinda Gani. This is not the only confrontation which unfold the brutality and wilderness of tarnished men, but our unfortunate society has witnessed infinite number of such incidents which have bowed down the head of humanity to its least level. As per the written records rape is the fourth most common crime in India and according to annul reports of National Crime Record Bureau 2013, 24,923 rape cases are reported in India, out of it 24,470 were committed by some one known to victim. To your revelation, in every 20 minutes, one woman is raped in India. Irony to our Indian society is that even in spite of lot of awareness through media community and punishment from Court of Law this heinous, condemnable and brutal act is escalating day by day. If we take the example of Delhi, after the conviction of culprits of Delhi gang rape case of Dec 2013 rape cases got doubled to 359 from 143 reported in Jan.2012.
Safety and security of our daughters have became a greatest challenge in our today’s society. Parents of a female child are living a life full of stress, worry and anxiety. The fear of losing of honor of their daughters keeps on haunting them when they are away from them. This terror prohibits them to let their daughters for higher studies or other great opportunities of their lives. It is only the fear of losing of honour of a girl child that no body feels happy on becoming the father and mother of a girl child. This criminal atmosphere is forcing our parents to go for repeated female foeticides. Because of this we are facing a great imbalance of sex ratio in our country. The essence of whole humanity shatters when we come across the news of rape of any minor girl of age 4 or 5 years. Any parent would weep on imagining the condition of any such victim child, a child who even does not know what this all nonsense is. I am very apologetic to say here that it would be much better if she would be killed in side her mother’s womb instead of being raped and killed by a devil in the shape of a tarnished men.
Following are some of most practical steps to be taken on war footing for complete burial of rape monster.
Rape Resistant Garment
Rapist have their first eye on minor girls who are too vulnerable to protect them selves and can easily be abducted by them, so we first fall in a need to insulate them from rapist attack. As we all know prevention is better than cure. In order to protect our minor daughters from horrible invasion of a rapist we should provide them a special type of inner garment which must be made from a material that can even resist the action of a sharp knife. If possible these should have coded locks provided by manufacturers.
Education of Male Child
We mothers can play a great job in dwindling the number of cases of rapes by enlightening our male child about the respect and honour of a female right from his child hood. We can edify him the lesson regarding the magnitude of girl in one’s life. we can also make him to comprehend about the erroneous effects of lust in one’s life. If uninterrupted fall of a drop of water can create a hole in stone then we mothers in no case would fail in tracking our male children over path of virtue.
Check on Vulgarity
Every body is conscious of the verity that there always live a Satan in a male, this Satan comes out of his sinister world to ruin the prized life of an innocent child, when it is animated by some vulgar provocation of our film or fashion industry. These two industries are not leaving any stone unturned in polluting our society with there despicable and vulgar effect.
Uncontaminated serials and movies can also gain popularity if the issue is well-built.
Moral Education
Moral education can fabricate a sort of ozone layer over the humanity which inhibits all type of wrongs to enter in human dwelling. There is a dire need to install a subject on moral teaching in school curriculum in all Govt. and private schools. Time and again effect of ethical lessons would act as a weedicide to exterminate the weed of crimes from our society.
Dress Code
I am quite certain that today every woman is sentient about the awful effect of vulgar out look, so every girl should think of her own self about the type of out look they espouse, which in no case can attract the lust full eyes of any blemish man.
In the end I would like to say that by keeping the doors open one cannot anticipate that wrong doer would not assail so we have to fasten all the entrance of access of a rapist to naive by adopting the above cited suggestions.
(E mail id [email protected])

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