The Bold Voice of J&K

Vishwakarma: Godfather of Construction and Creation

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Er. Prabhat Kishore

Bhagwan Vishwakarma is considered to be the godfather of construction and creation among all the Gods in the Universe. He has been said to be first host of creation. “Devo Sau Sutradharah, Jagadkhil Hitah. Vyayate Sarvasatvai”. In every era, numerous towns, buildings & infrastructural frameworks have been constructed on the model developed by Him. The religious scriptures deals about Swarglok in Satyug, Swarnim Lanka & Janakpuri in Tretayug, Dwarika, Hastinapur & Indraprashtha in Dvaparyug, JagannathMandir in Puri (Odisha) and idols of Krishna, Balram & Subhadra etc. in Kaliyug. These constructions were based on important architectural design as well as Vastushashtra rules. Indrapuri, Yampuri, Kuberpuri, Sudamapuri etc. were also his creations. He is the creator of Sudarshan Chakra of Vishnu, Trishul of Shiva, Kaldand of Yamraj, Vajra (Thunderbolt) of Indra, Kawach-Kundal of MaharathiKarna and various other Divyashtras.
Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated each year to pay respect to the Divine engineer and architect. The festival falls on Kanya Sankranti or Kanya Sankramanam, i.e. a day when the Sun migrates to the KanyaRashi (Virgo). Hence, Vishwakarma Puja date also falls more or less same day i.e. 17th September every year in the Gregorian Calender. This day is not only revered by engineering and architectural communities, but also by artisans, craftsman, carpenter, factory workers, mechanics, industrial workers etc. The devotees pray to Vishwakarma for smooth working of machines, safe working conditions and better success in their fields. The working community and craftsman worship their tools and usually refrain from using them on this auspicious occasion.
In ancient religious creatures, the Tridev – Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh have been worshiped, but simultaneously Bhagwan Vishwakarma has also been remembered. “Vishwam Kritsanam Karma Vyaparo Va Yasya Sah” i.e, the one whose right creation and actions are business, he is Vishwakarma. Although he is recognized as a Vedic deity, his mythological form is different. There has been a sense of respect for him from the very beginning. He is known as the creator and promoter of essential commodities for Grihasth type stage. Vishwakarma is the prime dignity among the 18 updeshta of Vastu and his doctrine has recognition. Indian mathematician and astronomer Varahmihir has also quoted his doctrine at several places in his work.
In the Sanatan Dharma texts, Vishwakarma is described as the seventh son of Lord Brahma. The five sons of Vishwakarma, Manu, Maya, Tvasta, Shilpi, and Devajna were proficient in five different disciplines of Vastu Shastra. Manu is said to be expert in blacksmith work, Maya in carpentry, Tvasta in metal work, Shilpi in stone work and Devajnain the work of goldsmith. In the first part of Vishnu Puran, Vishwakarma has been described as the Vardaki i.e.the god-carpenter of the gods, and has been glorified as “Shilpavatar”. In SkandaPuran, he is described as the creator of Devayatans. This belief has been cited in many Purans. As per scripture of crafts, he was so proficient in craftsmanship that he could make Khaddau (pedestals) that could walk on water. Pushpak Viman of Ravan is also his creation. It is mentioned in Rajvallabh Vastu Shastra and other texts that Vishwakarma had done the task of controlling the harmful rays of the sun that destroys human life.
In Indian culture, importance has been given to Vishwakarma in technical and commercial institutions, industries, and factories. However, there is no dearth of those who describe the knowledge, science, philosophy embedded in Vedas, Purans, Upanishads and other texts as imaginary, unbelievable& just subject of belief. But with the advent of innumerable unbelievable structures such as the journey to the Moon and Mars, supersonic aircraft faster than sound, the Sri Ram bridge between India and Sri Lanka, tall high lofts, the recent construction of a glass bridge between two hills in Hunan, China, etc., it is proven fact that the works of Vishwakarma and other craftsmen mentioned in Indian texts and literature were in reality. Although, it witnessed the ups and downs with human civilization and science. The technical method used in the temples and other ancient structures of India is still a subject of research. The original technical texts of the world are considered to be Vishwakarmiya texts, in which there is a discussion not only on architecture, but also on vehicles and gems.
Vishwakarma Prakash is a living book of his propounded views, in which human and god VastuVidya is shown with many mathematical formulas. In the modern era, the role of engineers, architects, scientists and craftsmen is indispensable for the structural development in the nation building. Only on the basis of their knowledge, research, experimentation and implementation, a nation can claim to climb the stairs of all-round development. Today, the flag bearers of the nation are adorned with the title of “Vishwakarma of the modern era”. Worshiped and venerated as a skilled builder in Vedic, mythological and folk tales, Bhagwan Vishwakarma will always the adoration and source of inspiration for the national heroes.

(The author is a technocrat & academician. He holds Master in Engineering from M.N. Regional Engineering College, Allahabad/Prayagraj).

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