The Bold Voice of J&K
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G. L Khajuria

Shiv Khori Shrine

 G.L. Khajuria Situated around 140 kms from Jammu itself to its North-West is situated this Sanctum Sanctorum Cave, some 4 kms ahead of Ransoo village or hamlet is unambiguously a piece of heavenly abode where Syayambhu image of the Lord…

Shakti worship in India

 G. L Khajuria The Devipurana has a very interesting and astonishing narration as how sage nard perplexing supplicated Lord of Lords the Supreme Shiva: oh lord Mahadeva, yourself, the Bharama and the Vishino are unison the Supreme Trinity.…

Caring for the children

G.L Khajuria How many of us oftenly accept our attachment in real sense of term in so for as love affection and fantasies of our kids and children are concerned. Well, the children mean much more than what we think of them. They are not…

Greening highways

G. L Khajuria Roads are the lifeline arteries which carry the life blood of economy relating to trade and commerce to every nook and the corner of the country. These also play a pivotal role in national integration by way of communication…

Charming Chenab

G. L Khajuria Literally speaking, Chenab acronymises a Persian derivation, Cheen means China and Aab means water, cannotating thereby China's water. But with the revolving wheel of time, the learned school of thought negated it and…

Majestic Mansrovar

   G.L. Khajuria  There comes a moment in life when renouncing all worldly possessions, adjuring all family ties, the Hindu of the highest intellectual eminence and reconginised social possessions will delight in making the pilgrimage to…

Tulsi – a wonder herb

G.L KHAJURIA Tulsi or 'Holy Basil', as we say with reverence is a wonderful herb of its magnanimous and multitudinal medicinal importance. This 'Holy Basil' botanically is nomenclarised as 'ocimum sanctum' (Lenn) and belongs to ' Labiatae'…

Ensuring environmental sustainability

G.L KHAJURIA Promotion of human welfare and well - being, i.e., initiatives must be built into sustainable development policy to ensure "macro coherency" to prevent environmental degradation in order that rights, needs and interest of…

J&K, the biomass state of India

G. L Khajuria  In a way, the trade and economy in the Valley is almost dependent exclusively on biological raw material directly or indirectly whose optimum source is from biomass ensuing from biodiversity in all its forms and…

J&K, the biomass state of India

G. L Khajuria  The World wildlife fund (WWF) had long back formulated projects to earmark a biological profile for various states of India. This was being done to high-light the problems connected with biodiversity, particularly its…
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