The Bold Voice of J&K

Sports failure

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Dear Editor,
Winning a Gold medal in kabaddi was given from day one. But winning the hockey Gold after a long wait was a wonderful achievement by our players. Overall, we did not do as well as we should have. We failed to live up to the expectations and potential in badminton, archery, shooting and men’s
Moreover, given the kind of huge platform we had created following the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, we did not build on it and have let the infrastructure rot. As usual, our sports officials were busy in securing tickets for themselves to South Korea than zeroing in on the athletes who would represent India.
It is not that we could not have done better; we could have. It is just that there is no proper planning and there is a lack of willingness to go an extra mile in various sports organisations of our country. If they are really serious about doing well in the next Asian games, then they should start preparing from now on and adopt a ‘Mission 100-medals’. They must groom young talent by giving them maximum international exposure and nurture them like the Chinese do.
Bal Govind

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