The Bold Voice of J&K

‘Make in India’ can be a game-changing slogan

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Dear Editor,
Lal Bahadur Shastri’s call of Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan had fired the imagination of the nation, while Indira Gandhi’s Garibi Hatao promised new horizons for the poor. Now, the Make in India – first develop India – slogan should inspire the entire corporate world and decision-makers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pitch that FDI should be understood as ‘First Develop India’ along with ‘Foreign Direct Investment’, is the right move to not only attract foreign investors but to also spur domestic players into investing in the industry. As Modi is initiating a number of progressive steps, and is sincere in its implementation, his dream should be realised.
India skipped the Industrial Revolution and jumped from being an agrarian to a services economy. The Make in India campaign, though belated, will help fix this anomaly. Boosting manufacturing in India will have a domino effect. It will help us earn more foreign exchange, narrow the current account deficit and ensure long-term GDP growth.
Abhijit Roy
Via email

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