The Bold Voice of J&K

The shame of 26/11 Mumbai carnage

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M. M Khajooria

26th November, the blackest of black days in our recent history came , was observed and lapsed into the limbo.  Yes,  we the tradition- ridden Indians did  observe  with due solemnity the sixth anniversary of the dastardly  Mumbai terror attack by Pak ISI_ LeT  brutes.  Loss of precious lives of our fellow citizens and honoured guests  was duly mourned,  glowing homage paid to the martyrs, solidarity with kin of the  brave souls who laid down their lives in the line of duty  was reiterated .Governments at the Center  and Mumbai    once again  smugly promised to strengthen the security shield and held out the  assurance that such like horror would never be allowed to re-enacted. No one bothered to enlighten  the nation about specifics of action taken in this behalf and with what results?  There was no word about the fulfillment  of  promises made for the well being of the families of martyrs . The yawning gaps in the  coastal security , the  vital chink in our protective armour  that made the 26/11 carnage  happen  identified by none other than the Defence Minister were just brushed aside.  The bosses had spoken to question was blasphemous.
We , however forgot to hang our collective heads in shame for the abysmal failure to secure justice for the innocent victims of   the  gruesome terror strike planned in Pakistan by the Pak ISI and its strategic asset, the Lashkar-e-Toyiba.  The souls of the innocent victims cry out  for justice and retribution. And what did we offer them? More dossiers to Government of Pakistan  pleading to take action against Hafiz Sayed, Lakvi and other LeT goons- dossiers that were never even read before being consigned to some obscure file in a dusty store room. The perpetrators of the heinous crimes move about freely in our neighbourhood at the shouting distance in Pakistan   protected    by the government of our friendly neighbour .The Pakistan army brass invite the murderer Hafiz to Iftar parties in Corps HQ messes. And we the aggrieved, dishonoured and humiliated 125 crore people of this blessed country boasting of the third largest army watch helplessly nursing our impotent rage. How long shall we have to suffer this national indignity?
Lo and behold. Pakistan establishment has cast aside even the fig leaf of pretension.  Adviser to the  Pak Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz told  BBC on 18th November, 2014   that “Pakistan should not target militants who do not threaten the country’s security.”  The policy frame definitely entitled  Hafiz Sayeed and company, close allies of  Pak Army to the special treatment that were accorded. Where does it leave the mighty Republic of India?
Time has come to stop pleading and wasting time in compiling and sending dossier after dossier to Islamabad.  And for heavens’ sake stop begging United States and President Obama    to “pressurise” Pakistan to act against Hafiz Syed and co. In fact  Obama  himself has good reason to join us in hanging  heads in shame. The citizens of the mighty US of A were selectively massacred  during 26/11 Mumbai  terror strikes. In fact, their  first act was to secure the passports of foreigners from the reception , find their location and go for them , US citizens first  . And what kind of joke has the United States played by setting a bounty of Hafiz Sayed?.  Recall ,the bounty would accrue to a person / persons who provide information  leading to arrest, prosecution and conviction of the Hafiz. Impossible task by any reckoning. If US government really  means business  it should revise the terms for bounty and bring it at par with the one set for Osama bin Laden. Will Obama do so  and escape the odium of the history remembering him as a President who woefully neglected his duty towards his martyred    fellow citizens  before he himself becomes history?

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