The Bold Voice of J&K

Resettlement issue

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The resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits has been an issue which never found a solution. Now with Pakistan joining the fray along with separatists objecting to their separate settlement solution looks like it is getting an international colour and religious tone. Though Union Govt has strongly rejected the charges but what is to be seen is can Pakistan absolve itself from creating trouble in this part of Kashmir since partition of the continent? Giving it a colour of Jihad, Pakistan has been exporting terror through this part as it gave easy coverage under religion, language and cultural closeness. Ethnically Kashmiri Pandits are as equal as Muslims when it comes to residentship and now alongwith domestic resistance from separatists and Pakistan raising objection over the settlement sounds quite absurd except for political gains. Histroy is witness to the largest migration of a single community from Kashmir Valley in 1990 and everyone knows who was instrumental in stocking the communal frenzy resulting into migration, which automatically changed the demography by carrying forward the agenda of Islamisation of the Valley. Was it not the demographic change a violation of UN resolution? If there is any move politically to carve out a place for the ‘minority’ Kashmiri Pandits, Pakistan should not have any objection as this is not being done on its land but in India’s own territory and any such move from Pakistan side should be seen as direct interference in India’s internal affairs. As far as separatists are concerned they have no other agenda but to keep the anti-India flame burning. Take out this agenda even their existence becomes non-existential within their own people. However Union Government has made clear the resettlement plan with members of the community to be settled down at the place originally they belong to in Kashmir Valley which can never be termed as any demographic change.

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