The Bold Voice of J&K

Parthenium awareness week concludes

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JAMMU: The parthenium awa-reness week, which commenced on 16th August, 2016 under the leadership and guidance of Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-J, Dr. P.K Sharma, concluded here on Monday after a series of awareness programmes like uprooting, spraying of herbicides, composting of parthenium, student rallies, lectures, Kisan Gosthi, demonstrations and exhibitions were organised for the students, farmers, scientist and non-teaching staff at different locations of Jammu region. Dr. J.P Sharma, Director Research, SKUAST Jammu apprised participants on competitive and aggressive nature of parthenium and its poisonous nature which has posed a serious threat to human, crop and livestock health. Dr. B.C Sharma, Head Division of Agronomy while giving a brief history of the parthenium narrated that in India, the weed was first noticed in the mid-1950s and it was presumed to have been accidentally introduced by the import of food grains. During week long programme, the scientists emphasised on the local club volunteers, farmers’ clubs and school students to weed out parthenium grass from the Jammu province.
Dr. B.R Bazaya, In-charge AICRP Weed Management said parthenium is now a national menace and is regarded as one of the worst weeds in India. Besides crop yield losses, it can lead to allergies, itching, cough and breathing problems but biomass can be utilised for making compost, he added. He stressed the need for creating public awareness to check the effects of parthenium. Dr R. Puniya, Jr. Scientist explained physical, chemical and biological methods and demonstrated the chemical and physical methods of parthenium control. Dr. Vishal Gupta, Dr. Anil Sharma, Dr. Meenakshi Gupta, Dr. V. Khajuria, Dr. Neetu Sharma, PG students of Agronomy Division and about 70 NSS students also took part in uprooting of parthenium weed at research farm, Chatha. The campaign ended with vote of thanks by Dr. B.R Bazaya Incharge AICRP Weed Mana-gement, SKUAST Jammu.

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