The Bold Voice of J&K

Manmohan’s silence

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Dear Editor,
Though often golden, silence is sometimes taken as an admission of guilt or complicity in an unlawful activity. Even his outspoken critics agree that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is himself an unscrupulously honest leader. But his silence, whether forced or otherwise, and his powerlessness or inaction against corrupt deals has failed to silence them. They accuse him of being a weak Prime Minister who compromised his position to benefit powerful politicians and bureaucrats to cling on to the august chair. An internationally acclaimed economist, Dr Singh dominated India’s economic policies for long and helped make India a liberal, global and economically empowered democracy. It is morally becoming of a person of his stature to break his silence and clear his stance in national interest. After the Supreme Court’s cancellation of illegal and arbitrary coal block allocations, the BJP government may order a full-fledged CBI investigation to reach the bottom of corruption scams. Dr Singh should muster courage and expose all beneficiaries involved in looting the country’s assets. It will not only debunk his critics but also maintain his popular image of self-respect, integrity and
Ramni Singh

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