The Bold Voice of J&K

KVK organises Scientific Advisory Committee meeting in Kathua

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KVK kathua joginderSTATE TIMES NEWS
KATHUA: Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Kathua was organised in the KVK Premises under the chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma along with Director Extension Dr. K.S Risam, Associate Director Extension Dr. Parmod Baru and Heads of Divisions from Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences.

Programme Coordinator KVK, Kathua Dr. Amrish Vaid welcomed the Chief Guest and all participants and registered indebtedness for acceding to his request to participate in the meeting.
The proceeding of the meeting was conducted by Dr. Berjesh Ajrawat. Dr. Vaid presented the detailed account of action taken report towards the suggestions and directions received during the sixth SAC which was followed by the report towards various activities being taken by KVK, Kathua during 2014-15.

During the deliberation, Dr. Vaid appraised the meeting about the salient achievements of KVK, Kathua during the last fiscal year till date. He highlighted success stories in various crops which have come out on farmers field with the intervention of KVK, Kathua such as introduction of Basmati Pusa-1121.
Vice- Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu appreciated the work and efforts of the KVK, Kathua in achieving the mandated targets. He also applauded the efforts of KVK scientists for their close liaison with agriculture and allied departments.
While addressing the house Dr. K.S Risam appealed before the heads of line departments to give their valuable remarks and feed back in order to make the proposed action plan for 2015-16 more meaningful. Besides this Dr. Risam appreciated the efforts of KVK scientists in popularising the latest agri-technologies in the district.
Dr. Ajmer Singh, Principal Scientist from ICAR expressed his satisfaction over the working of KVK and congratulated the scientists for their relentless efforts in the delivery of extension services to the farmers door step.
While interacting over the agenda the HoDs of various divisions added valuable suggestions to address the location specific needs of the area. Joint Director and CAO Vipin Sambyal applauded the close coordination established by KVK with the line departments.
The meeting was attended by various district heads including Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Social Welfare, SBI-RSETI, Information, NABARD, Sericulture, Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries and progressive farmers.
The programme was organised by the active participation of Dr. A.P Singh, Dr. Berjesh Ajrawat, Dr Neerja Sharma, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Anita Sapru, Bharat Bhushan and Meenakshi Dour.
The programme ended with the formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr. A.P Singh.

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