The Bold Voice of J&K

Kichloo seeks Rs 100 cr Central aid, tax relief from Union Textiles Ministry

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NEW DELHI: The State Ministers of Textiles, Conference was held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Union Minister for Textiles New Delhi.
Sajad Ahmad Kichloo, Minister for State Industries and Commerce highlighted the difficulties faced by the artisans and other stakeholders in J and K State following large scale devastation caused by the recent floods. The State Industries Minister expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister as well as other senior Ministers of the Union Cabinet who personally visited the State at the height of the calamity and offered substantial support to the State Government.
The State Industries Minister apprised the Union Textile Minister about the massive damage caused to the government and private industrial infrastructure and property. Thousands of artisans and weavers whose assets like looms, raw material, processed and finished goods have been damaged or completely destroyed have been rendered jobless. The floods have also taken a toll on the infrastructure of the Handicraft and Handloom Departments of the State Government and the three Corporations namely J&K Handicrafts (Sales & Export) Development Corporation, J&K Handloom Development Corporation and the J&K Industries (JKI) that owns the famous Rajbagh Silk Factory and the Bemina woolen Mills.
The State Industries Minister also informed the gathering that the handicrafts and handloom exports from the State to outside State and India brings into the State about Rs. 2000 cr annually which is second only to Tourism and Horticulture sectors of the State from the point of view of sales turnover. In order to provide succor to the handicraft and handloom sectors in the state, the State Industries Minister proposed grant of exemption from payment of income tax for the next two to three years besides release of financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 100 cr.
The meeting was attended by all State Ministers of Textiles, Union Secretary Textiles, Financial Commissioner, Industries and Commerce Department, J and K Govt, Khurshid Ahmed Ganai, and senior officers of the Textiles Ministry, Development Commissioners of Handicraft and Handlooms and officers from other State Governments.

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