The Bold Voice of J&K

Not ‘K’ always

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If Mangalyaan reported life in that planet, the separatists from Kashmir on ISI pay rolls will insist on raking up the Kashmir issue with the government at Mars.
Pakistan has faced many rebuffs but does not desist from digging graves on the Kashmir issue. Nawaz Sharif must have realised the embarrassment during the 69th UNGA session. International media failed to appreciate Sharif’s version. Similar waffle statements were repeated by Pakistan’s Foreign Office. These served no purpose other than confirming Pakistani military signatures and thus further degraded the credibility of the Sharif-led PML-N Government.
Sharif stirred marked antipathy at the UNGA by delivery of his monotonous stand on Kashmir calling the breakdown in talks with India a “missed opportunity”. Rest of it was history repeated as he played through the withered tape of tried, tested and unworkable formulae on Kashmir – right of self determination, holding plebiscite without withdrawal of Pakistani forces from PoJK as mandated by UN, HR etc. He must be sure that nothing would come out of it; but met his compulsion of living the ritual for the military dictates and playing to the gallery for domestic hawks of his own country at the cost of wasting the time of the august UNGA body and the world leaders.
Unfortunate for him Prime Minister Narendra Modi disappointed all those looking out for dramatics in the wake of Sharif’s mimics which were admired in India only by counted few separatist hawks in Kashmir. “Raising it (Kashmir) at the UN, won’t resolve bilateral issues,” was the short and curt Modi’s snub to call it off.
Thereafter, “the Kashmir issue never propped up during the discussion between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi when they met at the White House”, a senior US official confirmed.
Back home it is time that the ‘healing touch’ and ‘rehabilitation’ gimmicks are replaced with firm warning to the traitors under training to wage war against the country to surrender or get shot in due course. It is also time that separatist OGWs, in whatever guise, are booked, tried and punished as per the law. The world community be apprised of the true legal picture by pro-active means.

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