The Bold Voice of J&K

Formula 44+

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The age-old remedy for cough had this number and it was a household name. But how BJP got fancied by it is something intriguing and this choice of number has left main stream parties a little bit jittery. Keeping in mind the Lok Sabha election results and prevailing polarisation the onus is on Narendra Modi to give violence -free fair polls in Jammu and Kashmir which are due in about three months. The turning point was the outcome of Lok Sabha elections where much of the heavy weights had to face defeat at the hands of freshers giving BJP three out of six Parliamentary seats. Though the ground realities make an absolute majority seem unattainable, the party is poised to do well in Jammu and Ladakh to send 37 and four MLAs respectively to the State Assembly and rest from Valley thus making the toll at 44. BJP is looking forward to this figure and it had made it public while launching its electoral strategy last month. BJP this time has advantage keeping in view the health of traditional parties like National Conference and Congress. Winning over few seats in Kashmir will be a real test for BJP to prove its strength. Any party ruling any state is a nationalistic government and for that matter National Conference and Congress are as nationalistic as BJP. The only logic one finds is that at the end of the day it is the pleasure of the New Delhi which decides the fate of the state governments. This was evident during the UPA-II rule when the National Conference-Congress marriage flourished and both sang paeans praising each other before the Lok Sabha elections. And rest is open secret. Today both parties want to be alone. Here is the advantage BJP. So BJP in order to achieve its national dream of having nationalistic government in Jammu and Kashmir and in all probability the Formula 44+ is the only remedy for the party to remove the irritants which stop it from introducing legislation for integration of the State in totality with the national mainstream.

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