The Bold Voice of J&K

Education, society-on verge of modern civilisation

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Isher Singh Jasrotia

The pertinent and fundamental problems before our changing scenario of the modern technology is the education and society which is changing with the change of time.
Since the time, the civilisation came into existence, the civilisation  emerged into changed fashion due to diversification of knowledge, advancement in various fields of technical know-how and wisdom of intellectuals and expertise.  Changing scenarios have always taken place by study of Indian culture, ethos, history, social-political thoughts, controversial point of view, discussion, exchange of knowledge and information and vice-versa, the educational institutions being the foundation stones of these essential ingredients. The education being backbone of sustainable economic growth deserves to be accorded high priority.
Though there has been substantial renovation in the education system by making the education innovative, job oriented, sociable, cultural, self-reliant enough to meet the purposes and objectives of modern society but the desired aims and purposes have not yet been accomplished so far as our democratic norms are concerned.
Education and society are two subjects, coinciding and corroborate together for renovating and changing the society and bringing unto the co-existence of the modern civilisation. Constant efforts have since been made by social reformers like Swami Viveknanada, Mahatma Ghandi, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Dayanand Sarswati (social philosopher), Dr. Radhakrishan and similar other reformers who have the vision of uplifting the society and eradication of poverty, enlightened the public aware of the importance of education in the perspective of our civilisation.
Similarly History of India and state is witness for the tremendous and remarkable achievement made by our ruler like Maharaja Partap Singh and Maharaja Hari Singh who have the vision for the improvement of education. In the field of education, the British left an important impact – lead was made in the report of Hunter Committee in the year 1882 wherein elementary education was recommended under the management of Municipal and District Boards and secondary education to private enterprise which should be encouraged by grants-in-aid. Commission also took care of physical and vocational education by way of all co-curricular activities. Consequently British Missionaries opened a school in Srinagar. Maharaja Partap Singh gave due consideration to bring the education on par with modern line, the study prescribed for the schools were established and to meet the need of higher education, Arts college was established in 1905 and Prince of Wales College ( now GCM Science College) in 1908.
Maharaja Hari Singh adopted a policy of modernisation and proved to be more accommodative than his uncle.  Being conscious of the changed political scenario, he guaranteed concessions to the people and new education policy of the British, threw open the gate of knowledge to the youth and enable them to seek admission in various universities. During his regime, he also issued orders to increase the number of schools and technical institutions were opened.  To improve the efficiency in the government he constituted a committee for this purpose.
Social equality, education and justice can change society, which are basis of our democratic principles and ultimately socio-economic development. Consistent and perseverance endeavor have since been made by the educationists and politicians by devising many policies and formulating programs in the existing system of our education but due to diversification of our different culture, languages, traditions, much is still awaited.
Time is ripe wherein it is imperative that a sincere and consistent efforts of the general public and the government are made to explore the possibility of planning a new education policy in such a way so as to make the education at primary and secondary level innovative in the perspective of value, culture, objective, wisdom, moral, conviction and to make it more liberal, generous, broad-minded, magnanimous, munificent, valuable, vocational, cultural, spiritual, disciplined, cooperative and above all to achieve the purposes and objectives of changing scenario  of our modern egalitarian society taking into consideration the education as the center factor around which all other factors like political, trade and industry, management, banking, defence revolve.
Hence the education required due attention and accountability for its moderniasation and innovations at all level.
Diversification and privatization of education
There has been protracted persistent need and requirement for complete civilization of the society. Since the civilization came into existence many centuries ago and from time to time, steps have been taken and various commissions have been constituted and reforms made for the diversification of education.
Now the need has been arisen and even the bureaucrats and educationists have analysed and assessment made after giving due thought and consideration in the context of present day scenario of the education system with the remarks that the government schools have become dumping institutions and defunct where teachers are concerned only to get salary and moreover for the sake of earning, they are devoted towards private tuition.
On the other hand private institutions that are well aware of the importance of the education in this competitive age, are making every efforts for standardisation of their institutions so as to compete with the associated institutions for getting awards and scholarships to their students.
The educational institutions at every level have greater role to play to change the existing education by imparting/teaching good education besides various activities, cultural programs, co-curricular activities, physical activities by making the provision of games, picnic and tourisms and such other out-door activities which could built the over all personalities and characteristic traits of the students. This is to make them mentally and physically sound enough to meet the challenges of anti-social activities, mal-practices, terrorists activities, corruptions and to excel themselves in the perspective of our socio-economic, culture and traditions, convictions and more over experimentation with the objective of achieving excellence in the various fields.
In order to create competition and encourage these institutions, there is urgent requirement to boost them in terms of support and financial aid. There is inevitable necessity on the part of the government to give more attention towards the education sector, as the education is the basic, important  and fundamental factor to bring the development in other sectors also.
In view of the compulsion and prevailing circumstances especially in the Jammu and Kashmir state, it is dire need of the hour that the government should be serious, formulate strategy and policy and give due consideration towards modernization of our education system in the context of present scenario.
Support and appreciation should be accorded to the institutions which are providing quality education and especially those providing better infrastructure in terms of games and sports, extra co-curricular activities and other related activities which are essential for the over-all development of the children.  It is the need of the hours.

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