The Bold Voice of J&K

Discrimination with Jammu-require one voice, one platform

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 Mahadeep Singh Jamwal

The only time considered being of its own, by a common man is the election time, when we have to exercise the franchise. Once the cat goes out of the bag it is all sufferings. The elected fraternity assumes the role of oppressor and the power makes them all corrupt and dictatorial in their attitude and dealings. When it comes to success, it’s not the number of mistakes they make; it’s the number of times they make the same mistakes. We keep running after the people elected by us but they never care about us. We are left with no options and only way are to just stop running after these our own creation of treacherous representation but let us turn around, and see the ones running behind us. There are many men of principle in political parties, but destiny is that there is no political party of principles.
When we look into the past and present of Jammu, we can easily conclude that who so ever have been put by the people on driving seat has crashed Jammu in their own way and style and have just made their coffers heavy by putting every kitty of the sources by all means of government and by draining out the pockets of common man for every cause for them. A door to door beggar becomes overnight guarded by battery of security guards; fleet of vehicles, all administration their faithful, luxurious bungalows, free air travels and what not. It reminds me of a bug who after sucking the blood of people hide to enjoy it. This fraternity is a virus who has made the common masses ill and helpless and no vaccine till new elections fall due.
But if we introspect that who is responsible for the step motherly treatment with Jammu region, are we or the people elected by us to look for the cause, definitely the onus falls on us, and as we dare not blame our selves, hence we blame the representation. We become victim of so many things such as caste system, emotional black mail, religious exploitation, money flow, blind faith, hollow slogans, day dreaming, hollow promises and all absurdities let lose by these representatives at the election time. Why, is it our illiteracy or we never thought of differentiating between right or wrong but we always go on right or left. The Jammuites have ever been projecting discrimination with Jammu and have been raising their voice from different platforms ranging from political as well as non political. So far as the impact of such voices is seen, it is negligible and till date the discrimination is continuing. It will not change until the people begin to understand what the fiscal realities are, how economic virtue differs from political virtue, and develop a realisation of their individual economic philosophy in comparison to their perceived political ideology. Many platforms speak of discrimination by Kashmir centric politics but how we forget the contribution of these leaders from Jammu, when they are rooted to power and they become henchman of Kashmir political elites and only dance to their tunes. But when they are out of power the discrimination subject becomes their lovable chapter to befool the common man. Unity is strength, when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
No doubt, unity is something to be desired, to be striven for, but it cannot be willed by mere declarations. Even the weak become strong when they are united. There is more power in unity than division. It is a fact that politics cannot be isolated being individual behaviour, liking and thoughts, but such a politics of Jammu based leaders for their personal gains is a matter of concern. Their attitude, power lust and concern for Jammu (whole region) people stand publically exposed by two consecutive CMs of the State, ex-CM Omar Abdullah, when he pointed out that Jammu leadership just comes to them for MBBS, engineering seats only and they never talk of other things for common masses and for Jammu region and present CM in a public meeting and in presence of Jammu heavy weight ministers that Jammu has not produced any leader who talks of Jammu. Our heavy weight political houses from Jammu are divided in their own family set up having their tentacles in all the political parties just for the sake of politics in home and to enjoy their luxurious lives on the exchequer of the public taxes irrespective of any change in the batons of power as their family representation is in every political party, but a chemistry of politics. The BJP MLAs of 2008 elections stand exposed for their corruption and present is also not holding good opinion in the public domain and are badly criticised for their inefficiency, inexperience and total surrender to the Kashmir politics.
The statement in December 2014 of the State BJP unit has alleged that Jammu region is facing discrimination on all fronts by Kashmir centric political parties. Arun Kumar Gupta party’s State spokesperson claimed that thousands of crores of rupees in Jammu and Kashmir were siphoned off for so called development pumped by the Center. Jammu has 36 seats to represent where as Kashmir has 47 seats. This shows the political discrimination with Jammu. 70 per cent budget is spent in Kashmir region while 30 per cent is for the other regions of the State. This was the endorsement of Modi jee’s statement as PM during electioneering in J and K. Under these circumstances how we Jammuites can expect Jammu voice against discrimination. The various voices against discrimination from Jammu remind me of the seasonal frogs occupying all over the periphery of a pond and making noise of common tones by protruding their ears but they do not tolerate each other and the snakes eat them one by one as a comfortable diet. Under all these circumstances till the Jammuites compel these leaders to come on one platform for Jammu’s concern leaving aside their political concern, the discrimination with Jammu region will never subsist and individual cocks will remain crying for their existence. Before parting some questions for Jammuites are necessary for introspection.
We need to explore the reason as to why it is the Valley that attracts all the attention from the Centre; in my view it may be because it takes a loud voice to get the deaf to hear.
What does Jammu do, do we wait for that day when the Centre’s view point is upheld in the Valley.
Do we continue to be mute spectator to the gross regional ignorance that is perceived by one and all. Do we continue to accept the all so abysmal suppression of the regional aspirations of Jammu? Do we continue to be at the mercy of those, who are perhaps the only ‘his masters voice’ i.e. Kashmir centric politics?

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