The Bold Voice of J&K

Difference between Adnan Sami and Om Puri

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R. K Sinha

You must be aware that Adnan Sami was a Pakistani citizen but now he has taken Indian citizenship. This is the time to understand the difference between Sami and some other film personalities of Hindi cinema world of Mumbai.
Adnan Sami has welcomed and praised the surgical operation of the Indian Army across the Line of Control in Pak occupied Kashmir. On the other hand some film stars and personalities in Mumbai have raised questions over the surgical strike across the LoC undermining and insulting the valour and sacrifice of our armed forces.
Adnan Sami says terrorism has no boundary. There has been widespread criticism of Sami in Pakistan for his remark. Sami has said that it is clear that Pakistanis don’t understand the difference between Pakistani terrorists and Pakistan.
Adnan said, ” We have to look at why the surgical strike took place and against whom it was directed. The strike was not carried out to capture land across LoC. It was a befitting response to unwarranted attack on the Army camp in Uri. The strike was targeted against the terrorists camp in PoK. Terrorism does not recognize boundary it strikes anywhere, in Paris, in Mumbai and in Peshawar.
Now see carefully what nonsense film actor Om Puri uttered. During a chat show in a TV channel Om Puri made ridiculous comments on martyrdom of our soldiers.
Om Puri lost his cool when TV anchor pur question on Pakistani actors working in Mumbai for Hindi cinema.
“There are not even 15-20 people who can be strapped with bombs and be sent to Pakistan. Nobody forced Indian soldiers to join Army. Who asked them (soldiers) to join the Army”, Puri said.
Om Puri did not stop at that. He said that “Don’t make India and Pakistan another Israeil and Palestine”.
Om Puri is better advised to learn a lesson or two from Nana Patekar, also a veteran film actor. Nana said, “Nation comes first. I don’t recognize anybody and anything before the Nation. Praising our Army, Nana Patekar said that film stars are like “khatmal” (bed bug)
Nana Patekar gave this statement in response to Salman Khan’s observations that Pakistani actors are not terrorists and that they have to India with valid Indian documents.
Before proceeding further let me tell you that father of Adnan Sami, Arshad Sami Khan was Flight Lieutenant in Pakistan Air Force. He had participated in the war against India in 1965 and in 1971. After retiring from Air Force he was active in Public life in Pakistan. He was ambassador of Pakistan in Norway and Denmark.
Flt Lt Khan was also worked as the senior staff attached to Pakistan Presidents Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Farooq Lashgari. He was also attached to former Prime Ministers of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, Ghulam Mustafa and Nawaz Shariff in his earlier tenure.
Adnan Sami is son of that man who held high stature in Pakistan. Today he is an Indian citizen and takes pride in being an Indian citizen. He has made India his work place for more than 15 years singing and performing for Indian audience. On the other hand look at some Indian actors who have no love for the country.
It is a sad commentary that some Film personalities including some leading actors have been in league with Pakistan for years. Some of these characters were associated with Dawood Ibrahim during and after the Mumbai serial blasts.
These suspicious characters of Mumbai film world are in league with Dawood and Company. They get huge slush money to finance and produce films. It is said that Dawood dictates terms to some producers and actors whom to take in lead roles. These producers, directors and actors are working against the nation and against our national security.
It is high time, Income Tac Authorities and Enforcement Directorate should investigate the source of funds of producers and actors who get slush money through hawal operators from Dawood and Company who runs his writ sitting in Karachi in Mumbai.
Anupam Kher rightly said that there are good Film actors from Pakistan. But when it comes to our national interest, the nation comes first. I don’t believe in telling things that are dubious in nature. I frankly support the Indian Army and condemn any attempt to run down our soldiers by anyone or any class of people be it the members of the film world of Mumbai.
Amitabh Bachan on his 74th birth day said, “This is the time to stand solidly behind our Army. The situation on the border is tense and it is our Armed forces who are fighting terrorists and hostile forces. There is anger among the people in India over terror attack. We must stand by the Armed forces who guard and protect our territory”.

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