The Bold Voice of J&K

Caring for the old

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Dear Editor,
In India, there are more than 11 crore persons above the age of 60. Since the joint family system has almost broken down, the senior citizens are left to either fend for themselves or remain at the mercy of their families. With advancing age, despite having created huge assets for the family, they are treated casually. Sick of the ill-treatment and poor economic condition, many of them take shelter in old age homes where the living conditions are pitiable.
However, a number of old people are very well off and can afford to live comfortably at their own expense. But where are such homes that can be taken on payment?
Instead of looking to the government, the corporate sector under its social responsibility programme should take up the job of setting up suitable old age homes which can be well run on a no profit, no loss basis.
Some old persons might also contribute towards the construction cost. The government’s contribution in this should be to persuade the corporate sector to set up the homes.
P. S Sharma

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