The Bold Voice of J&K

Assault on Jammu University’s Autonomy by Neelu Rohmetra daughter of Chittu

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JAMMU: Politics in JU thrives on the vested interests of the various groups inside and outside the university campus, no doubt that healthy student activism is a sign of the health functioning of an institution of higher learning but in JU true student activism in almost absent as the student politics is in the hands of stooges of those who have either muscle power, political power, money power or the power to blackmail. How else can one explain the place that Dr Vikas Sharma has managed to secure for himself under the banner of NSF or Varinder Singh Chib alias Foki Bomb a known history sheeter with serious criminal charges operating under the banner of a student political body protesting inside and outside the campus regarding issues unrelated to the campus affairs. The likes of Vikas and Foki Bomb Chib are the creation of the media with vested interests through cheap publicity. This unholdy nexus is often seen in the pages of Daily Excelsior when these so called “aging” student leaders are given prominent coverage over issues having no relationship with education.

The family’s interest in stoking the fire politics on the campus is a necessity for furthering the never ending interests and ambitious of their kith and kin. The family could not even be satisfied that their daughter today has the distinction of being a professor in an interview where she was the sole candidate. Incase this sole candidate was anyone other than Ms Rohmetra Editor-in-Chief Daily Excelsior either the post would have been readvertised or at least the interview rescheduled. People kept their lips sealed to either avoid the wrath of Excelsior or blackmailing in the form of protest and effigy burning by their paid political stooges on the campus. Even the concerned Associate Professors, senior to Dr Neelu Rohmetra like Dr Deepak Gupta, Dr BC Sharma, and Dr Varsha Mehta stayed away from the selection process which sources say was because of Dr Rohmetra warning them that since she was instrumental in getting the post of Professor, she alone genuinely deserved to get selected.

Papa Rohmetra’s daughter Dr Neelu Rohmetra was not even satisfied when she was crowned a Professor, as she now wanted to be Head of the Department. The headship of the departments in the University of Jammu is on three year rotation, based on seniority but Rohmetras are not used to waiting for their turn. As they have got everything at their own terms in the university. So a new center was carved out of the Business School for her. But this was no ordinary center. A new center was not born as a regional as an international center from the day one its creation.

Further the nomenclature of the center was not ordinary. This center by design has to have a very long name “International Centre for Cross Cultural Relations and Human Resource Management” as Ms Neelu Rohmetra is neither an MBA nor holds a degree in International Business or International Relations, but had the experience of teaching Human Resource Management Prof. J.R Dhotra was not given the charge of Director of this center of Human Resource Management. Ms. Neelu Rohmetra was made Director of this International Centre and the too permanently. The principal of rotational headship prevalent in other departments does not apply to her.

If earlier B.C Sharma boycotted the interview proceedings for the post of Professor wherein Ms Neelu Rohmetra was selected, this time its is said that his resignation ultimately paved way for her to become Dean Placements! Such coincidence shall keep happening on the campus till the unholy nexus between unscrupulous media and phony student leaders continues.

If Prof Amitabh Mattoo was responsible for  making her Professor and Director, then Prof. Varun Sahni shall have to carry the burden of making the double director a Dean and starting the trend of ‘One woman Three posts’ in the university whereas Prof Varun Sahni has been a proponent of ‘One man One position! This probably does not apply to the Rohmetra family.

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