The Bold Voice of J&K

Geelani tantrum

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The way Geelani passport issue has made a political football by politicians of all hues and affiliations it looks he is invaluable  for the country compared to all other issues of imports. Whether Geelani apologises for his anti-India remarks or he refuses to mention his nationality as Indian or refuses to undergo biometric test how does it affect the country and its image in international forums. Govt conceding to such pressures tactics has only shown its own weakness. What Geelani must be expecting that Govt of India should go to his door step and conduct the required test and issue passport there itself. If Govt has agreed to lift all restrictions for his movement to get the passport made is under humanitarian considerations and not that he should think it is the Govt succumbing under some sort of pressure. Is Geelani  any different from any  other Indian  citizen  outside the country except in Pakistan, who has kept  their vested interest alive  through people like him? All said and done even if Govt relaxes all norms for the senior separatist leader to travel abroad he will have to carry an Indian passport. It is the Indian tax payers’ hard earned money which has kept people like him alive and to pursue their India-bashing dreams whenever and wherever they get a chance. What an irony for the propounder of Azadi?  Geelani and alike should come out in the open and see the changing world. Even some of the Islamic nations have made great strides in development and have not diluted the religious ethos and values during the march of progress and development. Leaders like him should work for betterment of the people and not keep them entangled in issues of no relevance. Even Pakistan too understands the changing socio-security scenario and as a country it cannot live in isolation to pursue its goals. There should be a political consensus not to rake up such trivial issues like Geelani getting the passport or not and or his utterances which in the larger context has no relevance beyond Lakhanpur, the entry point to Jammu and Kashmir.

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