The Bold Voice of J&K

Acid assaults matters of profound distress

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Sunaina malik 

In addition to series of atrocious and horrendous exploitations, of body and spirit of women community, tarnished men have now crossed all his confines of viciousness, by frequent acid attacks on teenagers, leaving the victims to nothing , but to curse on her being born as a female. Acids assault incidents have raised gigantic queries on safety, security and emancipation of our outgoing daughter, sisters, mothers and daughter-in-laws. A sort of dread is over shadowing the mind and soul of every school and college going girl. These innocent girls are oblivious of the fact that in which nook and corner of any street they would become the prey of any hunter, who is more likely a beast in the clothes of a man. These acid attacks are more awful then assassination because murder ends one’s life, but acid assault make the victim to live a life worst then death. Murder ends soreness but acid attack gives an unending start to sting, disquiet and curse to victim girl. Irony over this is that victim and her family has to face lot of embarrassment raised by the question of society around .On set of gossiping about the character, nobility, and self-worth also gives birth to deep scars to the soul of sufferer. In spite of bearing pain on her body, she also has to digest the abhorrence and fury of relatives around her. In some cases even parents feel mortified of their victim daughters. Wounded girl has to live with these scars on her soul, because no surgery in this universe can alleviate scars of her soul.
Whole life, dreams and aspiration of a naïve, get spoiled by the gist less retribution of mad and mentally retarded man, because a sane person can never cross his limits of rowdiness in any condition. Going through the state of victim of an acid attack in Kashmir valley, where on 11th Dec 2014 a law graduate was allegedly attacked by two persons, who came in a car and blemished the life of this girl by throwing acid on her gorgeous face, I do not feel a bit vacillation in saying that all those criminals should be ablaze publically for such a monstrous crime. This is not the only incident, but the rate of acid attack is mounting in our country day by day.
One Preeti Rathi of Mumbai was seriously attacked by some unidentified persons on 2nd May 2014. This vicious attack not only smashed her pretty face but also spoiled her throat, esophagus and kidneys. At last she succumbed to death due to shameful act of so called sane person. Not in India but crime against women is every where. One Muskan Devi, a 35 years old Pakitani house wife was attacked by her husband on a trivial house hold matter. He by pouring acid into her throat proved his brutality.( In addition to these, there are so many heart bleeding incidents which describe the disgraceful, feral, vicious, insane and psychologically retarded acts of a man. Story does not end here, even in Bareilly district of UP a women corporator was allegedly attacked by a man by splitting acid on her face on 28th Nov 2014, leaving her to curse on her life ever after. These acts have raised deep questions over the prudence of man, who is considered as supreme creature of God, and was shouldered by the liability of female by God at the time of creation of this universe.
Can some one answer me.
(1)Where should we girls go? Is there any place in this world, where we can feel secure?
(2)To be born as a girl child, is this is our fault, or to be born physically weak is our fault?
(3)Why some tarnished men consider female a thing of use and throw?
(4)Is male ego so supreme, that on being rejected, he should react in the shameful ways of acid attacks?
(5)When will this exploitation end? Why male community is revengeful towards female and performing acts like acid attacks, rape, molestation and murder?
(6)Why female has been exploited at every stage of her life?
(7)Why crimes like female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape of minors are escalating day by day.
(8)Why acid assault victims are still awaiting for righteousness? Who will provide them justice?
(9)Why male dominating society is scratching her ego, credit, self respect and liberty?
(10)Why she is devoid of egalitarianism and freedom of choice?
(11)Can any body imagine this world without women, if not then why there are raising crimes against women?
(12)Why blemished men are becoming vampires to women thrusty for their blood and body?
(13)Why a man always overlooks that, he has taken birth from a female body?
Whole humanity should need a profound insight of these issues. If the aggression against the woman keep on escalating then, our striking world will turn into hell and will also devoid male community to cherish his preeminence over women.

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