The Bold Voice of J&K

27th October is most significant day in history of J&K: Harsh

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Reasi: Emitting the aura of nationalism, JKNPP’s Vilay Divas (Accession Day) rally entered district Reasi exhibiting great enthusiasm on the seventh day being led by Harsh Dev Singh Chairman JKNPP, Balwant Singh Mankotia State President JKNPP and other leaders. Hundreds of party activists on the bikes carrying Tricolours and party flags in their hands assembled at Katra town and took out a massive rally spreading the message of peace and brotherhood. The rally after passing through Serbadh, Nav Devian , Kotli and Sula finally culminated at Reasi Town where the leaders addressed the gathering.
Addressing the gathering at Reasi, Harsh Dev Singh squarely held the successive State Governments responsible for putting the significance of Accession Day in oblivion. He said that Panthers Party had been celebrating ‘Accession Day’ in Jammu since beginning but to combat the anti-national forces it had taken out series of District Wise rallies to celebrate ‘Accession Week’ which started on 17th October from District Poonch. He said that the final rally shall be taken out on October 27th in Jammu to commemorate the historic and prudent decision of Maharaja Hari Singh to accede the State with the rest of the country. Singh adjured the people including intellectuals, shopkeepers, traders, youth, students and all other social organizations to celebrate the revered day like 26th Jan and 15th Aug and vociferously asserted that India was, is and shall remain an integral part of India.
He further appealed to the people to maintain mutual brotherhood, peace and harmony to keep the secular ethos of the region alive and vibrating to defeat the nefarious designs of the anti-national and subversive elements at all costs. Taking a jibe at the Saffron Party, Harsh Dev Singh said that BJP had miserably failed to project the Jammu centric issues in the Assembly for which it was given a huge mandate by the Dogras.
He said that in spite of having 25 MLA’s, BJP could not stand to the expectations of the people and all those grandiloquent promises doled out to the people ahead of Assembly elections proved to be mere rhetoric and nothing else. He asked the power hungry Saffron brigade to come out from the deep slumber and officially celebrate October 27 just like a national festival by hoisting Tricolour at every district with full State honours.
Balwant Singh Mankotia while speaking on the occasion that the huge public support extended to the series of rallies taken out at every District head quarter by the Panthers Party had severely dented the morale of the secessionist forces operating in the State and Kashmir valley in particular who were hell bent to create mayhem all across the State at the behest of Pakistan.
NPP leaders in unison sought declaration of Oct 27 as holiday with its due observance as a State function.
Prominent among those who spoke on the occasion included Balwan Singh, Daleep Singh, Adv. Mahadeep Singh, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Sanjeev Singh, Ranjeet Singh besides others.

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