The Bold Voice of J&K

Whole world knows Pakistan’s role in supporting terrorism: India

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New Delhi: The whole world knows about Pakistan’s role in supporting terrorism and no amount of denial can hide this truth, India said on Thursday in sharp reaction to Islamabad’s objection to references to it and cross-border terrorism in the Indo-US joint statement after their 2+2 dialogue.
External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said the country that provides shelter to “maximum number of UN-proscribed terrorists” should not even attempt to play the victim card.
“The whole world knows truth about Pakistan’s role in supporting terrorism,” he said at a media briefing while answering questions on Islamabad’s reaction to the Indo-US joint statement.

‘Military talks with China have no link with any extraneous issue’
New Delhi: India on Thursday said its military talks with China on the border row have no connection with “any extraneous issue”, comments that came in the backdrop of recently concluded Indo-US 2+2 dialogue during which the two countries discussed Beijing’s military belligerence in eastern Ladakh and Indo-Pacific region, and inked a strategic defence pact.
About the next round of corps commander-level talks with China, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said the two sides have agreed to maintain dialogue through military and diplomatic channels, and arrive at a mutually acceptable solution for disengagement as early as possible. “Let me make it clear that there is no connection between this and any extraneous issue,” he said at a media briefing while replying to questions on the Sino-India boundary row, and whether China has delayed the next round of military talks due to signing of the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) between India and the US during their 2+2 dialogue.
On Tuesday, India and the US inked the BECA that provides for sharing of high-end military technology, classified satellite data and critical information.
“As regards the recent 2+2, …the external affairs minister had stated that the Indo-Pacific region was a particular focus of our talks. We reiterated the importance of peace, stability and prosperity for all countries in this region,” Srivastava said.
“This is possible only by upholding the rules-based international order, ensuring the freedom of navigation in the international seas, promoting open connectivity and respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states,” he said.
China’s military belligerence in eastern Ladakh and Indo-Pacific region figured during the 2+2 strategic dialogue with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo strongly affirming that it stands firmly with New Delhi in its efforts to defend sovereignty.
India has been maintaining that the onus is on China to carry forward the process of disengagement and de-escalation at the friction points in the mountainous region.
Following the sixth round of military talks, the two sides announced a slew of decisions including not to send more troops to the frontline, refrain from unilaterally changing the situation on the ground and avoid taking any actions that may further complicate matters.
The sixth round of talks took place with a specific agenda of exploring ways to implement a five-point agreement reached between External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi at a meeting in Moscow on September 10 on the sidelines of a Shanghai Cooperation Organisation(SCO) conclave.
The pact included measures like quick disengagement of troops, avoiding action that could escalate tensions, adherence to all agreements and protocols on border management and steps to restore peace along the LAC.

“Even their leaders have time and again spoken about their role with regard to terrorism,” Srivastava said.
In the joint statement, India and the US on Tuesday strongly condemned cross-border terrorism in all its forms and asked Pakistan to take “immediate, sustained and irreversible” action to ensure that no territory under its control is used for launching terror attacks.
In its reaction, Pakistan on Wednesday called it “unwarranted” the reference made towards it.
“We reject the Pakistan-specific reference in the joint statement’, issued by India and the US after their 2+2 ministerial dialogue,” the Pakistan Foreign Office had said in its reaction.

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