The Bold Voice of J&K

Weekly Horoscopes – This Week’s Horoscopes for All Signs

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 weekly predictions 26TH- 02ND   APRIL  2017



Mar 21 – Apr 20

As the Sun enters your sign, its radiant glow can enhance vitality and give you the confidence to move ahead with plans and projects that have been on the back burner. Links to Venus enhance your popularity and make you a winner on the social scene. However, try to avoid getting into a spat, as the present picture reveals that it won’t do either side any good. 



Sep 24 – Oct 22

Relationships continue to be a major focus for you and something that you may relish over the weeks ahead. This could be because there’s a chance of a reunion or a heartfelt conversation with someone you parted from in a difficult situation. A healing could occur if you make the time to talk. 


taurusApr 21 – May 20

Subtler elements may influence you over the course of this week, perhaps a dream or intuitive hunch. And even with Venus, your personal planet, presently retrograde, you can find this connects you more closely with your feelings. Try not to dither too much, though, as there could be certain opportunities that come your way that need to be grabbed immediately.


scorpionOct 23 – Nov 22

The current blend of energies could encourage you to consider whether you are better served by sticking to your present agenda. In fact, if everyday busyness has overridden your deeper purpose in life, this could become very clear to you at this time. Getting your priorities in order might mean letting go of certain activities in order to focus.


geminiMay 21 – Jun 20

Your social life could dominate this week, with a key event being something that will evoke many happy memories in the months to come. With the Sun dancing into this same sector early in the week, you have an opportunity to take stock and consider what you can do to improve matters in this area. 


saggitariusNov 23 – Dec 22

There may be fun and games on the agenda, as the planetary picture suggests you’ll be in the mood to enjoy yourself. And anything goes so long as it involves some kind of adventure. Nevertheless, you could feel a little bit guilty about the cost involved in one escapade. If there is a cheaper way to have the same experience, this could be an alternative.


cancerJun 22 – Jul 23

The Sun’s move into your sector of ambition may have you moving into the spotlight over the coming four weeks. But for now you might want to consider your present position and where your priorities lie. Certainly, with Venus retrograde in this sector, it might not be wise to rush ahead with key deals. If you’re prepared for a change of plan along the way, go for it.


capricornDec 23 – Jul 20

Family matters seem to be at the top of your agenda, which may not be such a bad thing. Getting together can encourage discussion. If a certain matter is causing bad feelings, a heart-to-heart chat may be all it takes to sort things out. On another note, a positive focus on your leisure sector could see you enjoying that helps you unwind after a busy period.


leoJul 24 – Aug 23

The desire to explore new territory and expand your reach can be emphasized from this week as the Sun moves into your sector of far horizons. If you’re up for a spring vacation, this is the time to go for it. The cosmos is encouraging you to leave behind your everyday environment and immerse yourself in new experiences.


aquariusJan 21 – Feb 23

The people you connect with over the course of this week can be a source of delight and optimism. Nevertheless, it’s possible that you could overreact to a conversation when nothing personal was meant. This might stem from childhood experiences, and this may be something to reflect on that now needs to be released. 


virgoJul 24 – Aug 23

You have a chance to think more deeply about business or financial matters and make some key decisions. But with Venus continuing retrograde in your sector of shared assets, you may need to take care when closing various deals or considering borrowing money or any other financial moves. 


piscesFeb 20 – Mar 20

With Venus continuing retrograde in your personal financial sector, you may feel moved to pare back spending in order to save for something really special. But buying one or two small luxuries could help you make up for any lack in this department. On another note, it helps to put a little bit aside for unexpected expenses.
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