The Bold Voice of J&K

Ways to maintain your long locks

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Ways to maintain your long locksAt this day and age, when pollution and dirt are all attacking our hair and skin, keeping those tresses healthy is a task. Here are a few ways that will come handy and are easy to follow when maintaining your long hair.
Stop blow-drying This is one of the most important reasons for hairfall — blow-drying your wet hair is the worst you can do. It causes the maximum damage as it burns your hair strands and also makes it dry and rough. In fact, blow-dried hair attracts maximum static electricity and hence keeps breaking when in contact with anything.
Cover your hair Travel is something that drastically harms the quality of your hair. Dust, dirt, sunlight and pollution are the worst enemies of your hair — they damage your hair to the maximum. Make sure you cover your hair with a scarf whenever you venture out, also make sure you comb it at least twice or thrice a day to dust away the dirt your hair attracted.
Oil your roots Oiling is the best way to make sure your hair grows long, really long. Opt for coconut oil, almond oil or castor oil to massage your roots and scalp to make it healthy. Oiling it invokes life into your roots that energizes the hair follicles and then helps them grow long and healthy.
Go for frequent haircuts Split ends are your worst enemies, one of the best ways to maintain healthy tresses is to go for frequent haircuts. Especially, get rid of those split ends that make your hair rough, scaly and also stunt their growth to a great extent.


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