The Bold Voice of J&K

VHP for implementing JPC recommendations

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JAMMU: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Jammu and Kashmir, demanded immediate implementation of P. Bhattacharya-led Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) recommendations to permanently settle West Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir refugees.
“The Joint Parliamentary Committee has strongly recommended Permanent Resident Certificate and voting right for the West Pakistani Refugees, Rs 30 lakh package per family, reservation for jobs in armed forces, ensured representation in both houses of J&K Legislative Assembly and defreezing of 8 seats reserved for displaced persons,” VHP Incharge Kashmir Rajesh Gupta and State General Secretary Dr. Sham Lal said in a joint press conference, here on Tuesday.
They took strong exception to the views expressed by anti national outfits of Kashmir over the issue of settlement of West Pak Refugees in J and K.
Settlement of West Pak refugees with equal citizenship rights has always remained a prime agenda for all concerned, they said adding that India, despite having West Pak Refugees as its prime ministers in the past, did not do justice with its brothers settled in J and K.
Handful of separatist organisations, which have a very limited mass base in Kashmir are trying to create a furor over this issue and trying to create an atmosphere of insecurity among common masses, they said.
Some political parties, who have tasted the public ire in the recently concluded elections, are also trying to create unrest over the issue of granting these basic human rights to deprived citizens. They are making imaginative fears of demographic changes in the State.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad warned such likes of anti national publicity masters like Yasin Malik, Ali Shah Geelani and Moulvi Farooq to desist from uttering their biased propaganda for West Pak, Chhamb and PoJK refugees.
These anti-India agents, on one hand are raising concerns over the settlement of victims of partition of India; and on the other hand patronise and encourage settlement of Bangladeshi and Mayanmar illegal immigrants in Jammu as well as Kashmir Valley, they said.
VHP demanded an immediate identification and extradition of such illegal immigrants living in J and K, besides legal action against those giving shelter to such illegal international settlers.
Views of Kashmir centric political parties on this subject have exposed their real face. From their utterances, it is quite clear that their thought process is limited to a section of Muslim Community living in Kashmir and they don’t believe in welfare of Hindus living in J and K.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad further warned of a State wide agitation, in case the recommendations of JPC are not implemented by State Government.

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