The Bold Voice of J&K

Two families have looted J-K, time to vote them out: Modi

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Modi at Kishtwar
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing public rally at Kishtwar on Saturday.

KISHTWAR: Launching a scathing attack on National Conference and PDP, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday alleged that their two “ruling” families have “looted” Jammu and Kashmir and asked the voters to “punish” them.
“Will only two families rule in J and K, can’t other families produce leaders? You are repenting for the last 50 years….
If you don’t punish the two families ruling here, they (the families) will come back with renewed resurgence,” he said at an election rally here without directly naming Abdullahs and Muftis.
“Why have you kept Jammu and Kashmir mortgaged to these two families? They have an understanding among themselves. One loots the State for five years and then is thrown out of power and then the other starts looting the State. They have a five-year contract to loot the State,” Modi alleged.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, however, dismissed the allegations, saying had they indulged in corruption, people would not have supported them.
“This (such allegations) is not a new thing…. Perhaps he is getting afraid. If we had really looted the State, would people have supported us like this…. It is a proof of the fact that we have won the hearts of the people,” Omar said.
Modi raised the issue of the recent floods, and said, “The State Government was unaware of the loss of damage caused due to floods but the day I landed and saw the impact of floods in the Valley, I announced Rs 1,000 crore assistance and the State Government was surprised.”
“Please give me an opportunity. If you give me one opportunity, you will never regret it. I want to give you this assurance,” he added.
Hitting out at dynastic politics, Modi, who was addressing his first election rally in the State, said, “from Kishtwar, a message should go to Jammu and Kashmir that J and K will not be kept mortgaged to any family and now the dreams of youth of Jammu and Kashmir will not be hostage to anyone.”
“We need freedom from corruption,” the PM said, “Tell me do you have power to do it, will you be able to run Jammu and Kashmir or not…. If you have power to do it then vote them out.”
“I want to tell people of J and K, just for one time decide and do away with these dynasties by having faith in us and for that I have come to you,” Modi said.
Promising to bring development to Jammu and Kashmir, he said, “We have to take this State forward with its strong symbols of honesty and love that it is known for”.
On the flood relief issue, he said there was no dearth of money and there will be no dearth of money for J and K. Alleging misappropriation of funds, he said “how can a bucket get filled if there is a hole in it. The biggest problem in J and K is where the central funds go.
“We need freedom from corruption,” the PM said, adding “We need a government of the people which will work for the people and the government which has understanding of work to be done and the priority of the work to be undertaken for the people”. On the issue of flood relief, Modi said, “I ask brothers and sisters of J&K, if you want rehabilitation of flood victims do not allow money to go into the hands of thieves and dacoits. I have to stand by you and work for you at this time of difficulty. “I have to bring you out of catastrophe”, he added.
“Now the youth of J and K will stand up on their own strength and endeavour and New Delhi Government is with you and will work with you shoulder to shoulder Entire India is with you.
To change your destiny, 125 crore people will stand with you.”
Harping on the issue of development, he said digital India and skill India initiatives should start from Jammu and Kashmir.
Taking a dig at successive governments in the State over corruption, he said, “If there is a hole in the bucket then the water will not stay. I wonder where the money that comes from the Centre goes”.
“Our mantra is only development, development and development,” he said, adding “I will return your trust in me with interest by ensuring full fledged development in J and K.”
Asserting that he has deep affection for Kashmir, the Prime Minister vowed to fulfil the “dream” of former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee based on “democracy, humanity and Kashmiriyat” that has made a “special place” in the hearts of people of Jammu and Kashmir.
He said “democracy, humanity and Kashmiriyat, these words of Atal ji have made special place in the hearts of Kashmiris and have ignited a hope in every Kashmiri youth about better future”
“I want to urge people to install with full majority a BJP Government in Jammu and Kashmir and trust my words that the dream, which Atal ji had seen for J and K, Modi will use all his might and will fulfill that dream.” He warned against attempts to link religion to politics, saying “a Kashmiri is a Kashmiri” and the government at the Centre was committed to development of the State.
He said his wish is to complete the work started by Vajpayee. “It is my wish and I will come repeatedly here for that,” the Prime Minister said amid slogans of ‘Modi, Modi’ from the audience.
Recalling the NDA rule under Vajapyee, he said, “Every Kashmiri thought that now their dreams be fulfilled. But during last ten years, what has happened with Kashmir and its situation.”

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