The Bold Voice of J&K

Training on mushroom cultivation

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AKHNOOR: A practical training-cum-demonstration programme was organised by Mushroom Development Section of Department of Agriculture at Demonstration cum Training Centre (DCTC), Talab Tillo, Jammu. Ashok Malhotra Joint Director of Agriculture (Extn) inaugurated the training programme in which more than 120 mushroom growers from Akhnoor, Khour, Bishnah, R.S Pura, Marh and Dansal areas participated.
Malhotra said that the Department of Agriculture is making all out efforts to help the farmers to increase their income by providing requisite technological and material inputs for diversification and adoption of improved agriculture practices. He said that the cultivation of mushroom has emerged as important agro-based cottage industry in Jammu division.
Omkar Singh Choudhary, Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu speaking on the occasion said that the department is giving stress for diversification of agriculture so that the farmers could get good returns from allied activities like mushroom and apiculture. Moreover unemployed youths are being covered under this agro-based industry so that they are in a position to establish their own units under various state and central sector schemes.
R.L Bangotra, Mushroom Dev. Officer gave detailed information with regard to activities and achievements in mushroom sector during the last two years in Jammu District. The training programme will be of seven days covering various important stages in compost making, spawning and cultivation of White Button Mushroom with practical demonstrations.

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