The Bold Voice of J&K

Terrorism worst violation of Human Rights: JKUF

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JAMMU: Jammu Kashmir Unity Foundation (JKUF) conducted a webinar on International Human Rights Day, which is observed on 10th December. On this day in 1948, United Nations General Assembly adopted the Charter of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The main speakers in the Webinar were Prof Madhu Kishwar, Editor Manushi, leading academician and Human rights activist; Jamil Maqsood HR activist and a native of Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Sushil Pandit, HR activist and renowned TV panelist, Dr Ajay Chrungoo, Chairman Panun Kashmir, leading organisation of displaced Kashmiri Hindus and Ajaat Jamwal, President JK Unity Foundation. All speakers described the adoption of Charter of Universal Declaration of Human Rights as one of the greatest days in the History of Mankind. The speakers emphasised that the day heralded an era of dignity and equality of the entire mankind. It set new standards for the individuals, society, groups and the nation’s to conduct their affairs without violating the dignity and right to equality of anybody. The citizens of Jammu and Kashmir urged the UN Human Rights Council to protect their rights from terrorist regime and save them from genocidal country i.e., Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Jammu & Kashmir has been in varying degrees of conflict for the last seven decades, resulting in gross human rights violations. All these years what has remained constant is terrorism & a threat to the religious minorities in the state. Though still not recognised as minority in the state, the Hindus & Sikhs have been a target of the worst kind of religious persecution and justice & compensation has remained elusive & inadequate, they said.
Speakers said that growing human rights violations by Pakistan backed terrorist regime taking place in Jammu and Kashmir PoJK, Gilgit and Baltistan and even inside Pakistan of the minority groups like Hindus, Christians, Shias and Ahmadis, is a cause of concern. The speakers were of unanimous view that terrorism was the worst violation of human rights. They said that terrorism cannot be justified by any reason or rationale.
The speakers appealed to the nations to reject terrorism in all its forms along with all its justifications.

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