The Bold Voice of J&K
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M. M Khajooria

The Rohingias bomb is ticking

 M.M.Khajooria Rohingias from western Mynmar have since sneaked into Jammu. They seem to have dug in with tacit support of the political executive and patronage of some NGOs with unverified and allegedly dubious credentials.via Cox Bazar in…

A ray of hope beyond the dark tunnel

M. M Khajooria The inaugural address of Justice T.S Thakur to the two-day Legal seminar in Jammu the other day came as a whiff of fresh air in the suffocating, stifling and polluted environment that engulfed the country. That the concern…

Mufti Mohd Sayeed—The man I knew

M. M. Khajooria  A few days after I assumed the charge of the then Anatnag district comprising the entire South of Kashmir as District Superintendent of Police in the fag-end of 1963 the theft of Moi-i-Muqadis' shook the entire Kashmir…
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