The Bold Voice of J&K
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letters to editor

Neglected PM package employees

Dear Editor,One fails to understand as to why the LG's administration and the centre government are turning a complete blind eye over the relocation demand of PM package employees. These patriotic and nationalist PM package employees are

Plea to Lieutenant Governor

Dear Editor,Through the medium of your esteemed daily, I would like to make a plea to the Lieutenant Governor of J&K, Manoj Sinha. The ground situation in Kashmir is presently terribly volatile for PM Package employees. These

Fight against drug abuse

Dear Editor,It is humble request to all the citizens of the country in general and honourable Judges, lawyers, scientists, educationist, intellectuals, philosophers, psychologist, doctors, engineers, religious teachers, Panches,

Managing the silent killer

Dear Editor,News of killing by smoking is not spreading scare. When facts related to horrendous corruption, kidnappings, robberies, murders, rapes and all are news reported, smoking as a silent killer needs news and views projection

Education for sustainable development

Dear editor,Development is usually stinted only to economic welfare of people but it is a comprehensive term and includes the social weal of the concerned people along with their economic progress. In other words, big dams, tall and

Ending cycle of violence

Dear Editor, Kashmir Valley has witnessed at least 18 targeted killings since January 1 this year is a development that has left the security grid disturbed. It suggests that in spite of its best efforts to protect and safeguard

Impasse of PM Package Employees

Dear Editor,There is lot of resentment among the PM package employees as the government is not paying any heed towards their demand of relocation outside the Kashmir valley. The agitating package employees are not demanding anything

Deadly Pollution

Dear Editor,The poor quality of air works in a way to dampen all the efforts to give healthy and long life to the countrymen. Air Quality Life Index report, recently released by the Energy Policy Institute of the University of Chicago,

Rescue ‘Mohini’

Dear Editor,Mohini--a female elephant is made to beg on streets of Jammu by some Babas for years although Babas using her are changed after few years. It's been more than 15 years that she is being abused in heat and cold made to walk on
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