The Bold Voice of J&K
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Jai Kisan

Rohit Bansal  A Surya Prakash, the Chairman of Prasar Bharti. For the next 30 minutes, he spoke with great excitement about "DD Kisan," the new 24.7 channel the PM was launching later in the afternoon. Having grown up in the 70s, I teased…

Rationale thinking

Now, Pakistan has announced elections in Pak Occupied area of Gilgit and Baltistan, India will have to reconsider its Kashmir policy and rationale thinking has to be brought in with a perspective beyond Kashmir especially in the face of…

Protein less

AT a  time  when there is  a controversy  going on  the quality and safety  of fast foods, the simple Indian food has been found woefully deficient  in proteins. Most of the Indian meals have  less proteins compared  to Western  ones. Even…

A great opportunity lost

Bhamy V Shenoy  During its first year, the NDA Government missed a golden opportunity to implement the much desired oil sector reform. Oil and gas sector is undoubtedly a critical sector of the economy. It has a huge impact on India's…

Meager relief

Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed expressing concern and resolving to compensate all victims of last year's floods may be a genuine expression. He said, "I will not rest till those affected by the floods of 2014 are provided with relief…

Why a ban?

Banning sale of Maggi noodles on the basis of high content of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) an additive used for seasoning seems quite logical. But what about other foods and drinks which have organ damaging chemicals if consumed in excess or…

Ways to bury rape monster

Sunaina Malik   At last wounded soul of Tabinda Gani, who has been in anticipation of justice since 20th July 2007, has got justice when her four culprits Azar Mir, Sadiq Mir, Suresh Mochi and Jahangir Bihari met their devastating end for…


The revised meteorological projection should  force the government  to step up  crisis management efforts and if the forecast is correct, it will be only the second case of  poor monsoon in 28 years. For two grain producers-Haryana and…

Restoring links

Within 24 hours of Central Govt making its intention clear and asking Jammu and Kashmir Govt to activate the shutdown telecom towers under militants' threat is somewhat baffling. Over 1,000 towers have been activated. One fails to…

Humanity Environment

Dr. Narinder Bhatial  Overview The well being of the humanity, the environment and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend upon the responsible management of the planets natural resources. Evidence is building that people are…
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