The Bold Voice of J&K
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editorial article

Ruh-e-Ghazal: Jagjit Singh

Ashutosh In you we are lost, in you we are found, of you, we are born, to you we shall return, this is ours way of keeping you alive in heart of ours who lived their life with yours music and millions to follow in coming years. Music,…

Challenges of devastating September-2014

M. M Khajooria The first and the foremost requirement is to resurrect  and fully activate the Relief and Rehabilitation organisation. In 1971-72 model the R and R Commissioner had the assistance of Dy-Commissioner HQrs assisted by number…

Havoc of floods, land sliding

Dr.Banarsi Lal, Dr.Shahid Ahamad Seri and  Dera Baba are small hamlets about 30 km away from  world famous  place Katra of Reasi District, where  about 40  houses have been  badly damaged  because of flash floods and land slide on 6th…

Food security

India's stand over food security issue at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has always been tough because country believed in ensuring food for its people than creating jobs for some other nations. This view point even got support from UN…

Re-building Kashmir

A family from Bemina area known for elegance, hospitality and living prosperously had to be evacuated by boats at past mid night. Besides what they were wearing, they carried what the lady's vanity bag could contain, the little cash that…
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