The Bold Voice of J&K

Different political ideologies should not be at the cost of nation

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Er. Jitender Kohli

Before Motilal Nehru father of Jawaharlal Nehru became President of the Indian National Congress it was a complete nationalist lot but started tilting to a particular family. Mahatma Gandhi was also very soft for Jawaharlal who had managed to win over Mahatma’s heart. Pre-partition Jawaharlal was titled as without crown king of Hindustan at Lahore seminar and a procession was performed with Jawaharlal riding the horse to lead. Post-partition Jawaharlal Nehru had complete control over this organisation making it a political but personal party inspite of Mahatma Gandhi instructing to disband this organisation to form a new political party to initiate democratic system. The bleeding nation required this change and new formation which was absolutely denied by the Jawaharlal Nehru and his puppets.
The first Prime Minister of India in Jawaharlal Nehru was immature in independent political sphere which needed farsighted vision to handle the internal and foreign policies to keep everything functioning in the interest of nation.  His rush to UN resultant of chronic Kashmir trouble for India, losing this state major chunk to aggressor Pakistan and asking un-prepared Indian Army to throw intruding Chinese from the Indo-China un-marked border while leaving for his foreign tour. He was not able to speak Hindi properly as he had to feel sorry at Amritsar on his address at Govindgarh Fort rally where he ensured employment to students of unrecognised engineering colleges. Thousands and thousands of passed out students had to face un-employment, rejection and bar to their promotion. Similarly many more such immature decisions on the internal and external policies pushed the nation negatively. The claimed developments are a routine development which was being experienced also during the British rule. At that time section of society was divided between British and Indians, called as Gora and Kaala. In the post-partition initial stage the nomenclature of this division was turned to Congress and non-Congress class of society which slowly turned to upper-class and lower-class society and now has come to the so-called secular UPA forces led by Congress and alleged communal BJP led NDA sections of the society.
Right from the day of transfer of power from British to Indians Nehru family started cleansing of its party forcing the nationalist leaders either to surrender to Nehru family or vacate. The true nationalist preferred to vacate and form other political parties, among such now BJP was basically Jan Sangh formed at that time by Shyama Prasad Mokerjee who sacrificed his life to break the permit system to enter this State by the other state
After Jawaharlal Nehru his daughter grabbed the seat of Prime Minister and manipulated division of Congress Party named to Congress (Indira) and finally getting Indian National Congress to it being in the governing seat. She also set all the pawns to get her sons to rule India though they were mature politicians or not. Thus the Nehru-Gandhi family turned to undisputed owners of this so-called political party which has proved itself as a commercial unit of the said family.
The national society had very bad time to bear during the dynastic rulers at national and state levels who dragged the nation to lower status at the global level. The suffering national society was having a revolting under current wave to get rid of this system but Nehru-Gandhi family had fixed some more similar families like Abdullahs-Muftis in this State and Yadavs in UP and Bihar which encouraged the regional parties which weakened the national Center Government.
The troubled national society tried to peacefully revolt under Anna’s agitation which was defused by Congress through Kejriwal had resultant in Delhi political trouble. The parliamentarian election has provided national society to topple the dynastic ruler rejecting Nehru-Gandhi family bearing the worst political defeat. The national society has now at least provided a stable Central Government which has started responsible working system. This changed governing system has enhanced the national global status as experienced in Japan, China, USA and other nations.
The desperate High Command Congress leadership has initiated UPA led state governments not to co-operate with the Central Government decisions. This is evident from the latest sending back the central doctors’ team by the Bihar government from medically assisting the Patna tragedy victims. Ignoring the 2nd Oct cleansing programme, Sawachh Bharat, initiated by the central Government in this state by the CM.
If such disobedience or non-cooperation by the UPA ruled state continues it may draw dividing line between the states creating unbearable time for the nation. The Nehru-Gandhi family and UPA should realise that they are Indian and part and parcel of the nationalist society are expected to serve the nation. The political ideologies may be different but it should not be taken at the cost of nation.
The present ceasefire violations by the Pakistan forces is either to divert their troubled people’s attention from their unrest or to hide their PM’s failure in UN and USA visit or pushing their militants before winter or they are testing present Indian Government how long it resists for real retaliation though Indian forces are sending bullet for bullet and mortar for mortar to the Pakistani Rangers and army. Pakistan is a rague nation generating and hosting militancy as its professional need to be curbed forever at a proper and appropriate time India decides.

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