The Bold Voice of J&K
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editorial article

BJP’s ‘Sushasan’ rally at Udhampur

Dear Editor, On 3rd of January 2016 'Sushasan' rally was organised by BJP in Udhampur in a private place which was attended by MoS in PMO, Deputy Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Minister of Forestry and Social Welfare and MoS PWD among…

Smear campaign against N-India

Rajiv Nayan  The fourth and presumably final Nuclear Security Summit is going to take place in the US from 31st March to 1st April, 2016. Expectedly, writings and views are being articulated to shape the agenda of the summit, much like it…

Shehanshah Darvesh Guru Gobind Singh

Dr. PP SINGH SUDAN Guru Ji in his book (Bachitra Natak) wrote " The Lord has sent me into the world for the purpose of spreading Dharma (Righteousness) everywhere and to destroy the evil-doers root and branch know ye holy men. I have come…

Opportunity that must not be frittered away

RK Pachauri  Prime Minister Narendra Modi's surprise visit to Lahore should be seen as a timely and significant step towards creating a logical reality which no sane person in India, Pakistan or the entire sub-continent can ignore. We need…

What they plan to get good for the State

Er. Jitender Kohli Political opposition to governing group is the necessity and beauty of the democracy if it behaves within the constitutional and moral responsibilities. The opposition must come out with their suggestions for the…

Taste of Namkeen Kashmiri tea

Dear Editor, On 30th December 2015 at 06:45 AM I parked my Zen Estillo in front of a hotel at Bus Stand Jammu. After handing over the requisite Dak in Ramnagar bound bus, while returning I stood before this hotel and watched a bearded man…

Touchdown in Lahore

Dear Editor, Improvement in relations with Pakistan has been a priority of India's foreign policy by every government. Any initiative towards it by a ruling regime is historically condemned by those in opposition. Primarily, the squabbling…

Margdarshan-a tryst with homeland

Mahesh Kaul Keeping in view the policy paralysis and comprehension deficit of the Indian state besides the myopic view of the mandarins in New Delhi regarding the Muslim communalism in Kashmir; Kashmiri Pandits were not discouraged but…

PM’s advice to police

Dear Editor, It is intriguing that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked police officers to identify and brief journalists who write in the national interest and provide them with information. Has the Union Government indeed prepared or is…

Margdarshan-a tryst with homeland

Mahesh Kaul Intolerance and communalism are interrelated .One breeds the other and these lead to the destruction of the original cultures that emerge after the interaction of the communities and societies with the bounties of nature…
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