The Bold Voice of J&K
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One army, one goal: To destroy India

Rajesh Singh It is a matter of eternal wonderment whether Pakistan genuinely wants friendly relations with India. The speculation gets more intense when Pakistan provokes New Delhi through hostile acts such as ceasefire violations along…

Natural wealth of district Kathua

Shiv Kumar Padha There was one famous Dogri prayer which was often sung in every school of dogri speaking belt during the morning assembly. The prayer goes like, Surge neya des Dogra ede ge gun gage….., Mouj Baharan Raliye Karge Bhag Ne…

Cat is out of the bag, India-baiter trapped

Sandhya Jain In a development that has warmed many an Indian heart, the US State Department's irascible Pakistan expert and India-baiter, Robin Raphel, is being investigated for possible counter-intelligence activities. This is a euphemism…

Time to reconcile to new dispensation

Swapan Dasgupta In a lecture last month, historian Romila Thapar, in a direct reference to the India under Narendra Modi, regretted "the narrowing of the liberal space". Whether she was observant or needlessly paranoid is dependant on how…
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