The Bold Voice of J&K
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Dr Soshil Rattan

Clean surroundings

Dear Editor, People, in general, keep their homes clean, but are callous about the area outside. The government aims to build 11 crore toilets in five years. But has it thought of open defecation by 60 million stray cattle, 30 millions…

Toilet-train dogs

Dear Editor, With reference to Prime Minister Modi's cleanliness drive, it is a pity that there are 30 millions stray dogs in India who have no choice but to defecate and urinate on roads and streets. And millions of dogs owners take their…

Overcome old age

Dear Editor, Everything is subject to wear and tear. The scientific explanation given in "The science and art of ageing" is neither intelligible nor conclusive. Writer Suresh Rattan says that hormesis (positive relationship between low…
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