The Bold Voice of J&K

Supreme power-the God

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 Shivam Jasrotia

Many a time I feel this but I don’t know whether I am feeling right or wrong. Now what I feel, let me share with you-
Many  a  times I  felt that  one  should  not  be  fully  concerned  to his/her  religion.  Acc. to my views, I started hating the word religion.  I  think  this  is  because  of  the  wrong  interpretation  of the word religion by the people.
Now, the question arises…. what is religion?
No doubt religion is a good term. Although I also like it but one
should  never  use  this  term  according to  his/her  own  interests.
Religion  is  not  to  divide  people  but  I  think  people  interpret  it  in order to divide them.
We  people  are  sentimentally  connected  with  our  religion,  we  are emotionally connected with it. But this is wrong. We must serve the nation/world  by  using  the  path  which  is  shown  to  us  by  our  religion  but without being connected to it emotionally.
The term religion is directly linked by the people to the grand name on this planet i.e; God…….
Now how we connect religion with God…… let us see!
We people split the term God according to our lifestyles, acc to our interests, so it simply means that God is one means the power which we  are  using  from  our  gods  is  same  then…….  what  is  there  in religions?
No doubt  we  all depend  somehow  on  God  for  which  we  want  to  feel His presence, we want to connect ourself with Him and….. we do our best for all this but again I am saying that only and only emotionally.
Now,  how  we  come  in  contact  with  Him  emotionally…….  simply  by connecting ourself with a link in between us and God and I think this link is religion.
Even  it  is  true  that  by  being  connected  with  that supreme  power, we’ll feel the feeling of Zenith  but  if  the  religion  is  there  in  our minds  in  between  us  and  God  then  I  think we  fail  to  reach  the optimistic top point where everyone wants to reach.
So what I am trying to understand here…….. Believe in God, Feel the God,  Meet  with  God  but….  without  being  connected  to  any  link because  any  link  which  we  uses  to  feel  the  optimistic  feelings  of God,  it  will  only  create  detestation  among  us/it  will  only  make grouping among us but it can’t show us the true path.
Since  I  am  talking  about  religion  so listen…..  one  is  not  Hindu because of the choice of God. I think this is simply because someone at the ancient times split the people and made religions and destiny chooses him/her to take birth in a Hindu family. Same is the reason for any other person belonging to any other religion.
Now think if God played no role in placing us in a particular religion then how we can reach God by choosing the path of religion?
Have you any answer?
So my only and only motive is…….. Feel the power of God by yourself only but not by being linked to any link.
I’ll tell you a simple example, please concentrate:-
Suppose  you  have  bought  a  piece  of  land in  one  lakh  rupees  by a property  dealer  where  that  dealer  is  earning  50  thousand  rupees, now ultimately I can say that you are at loss of 50 thousand rupees.
Means  if  you  would  have  search  for  a  while  for  that  piece  of  land, probably you may get that land in just 50 thousand rupees.
Now question arises… how you can come in contact with that person who is selling the land in just 50 thousand rupees… now this is what is being called as Tapasya in search of God!
So  try  to find  the  God  directly  without  being  linked  to  any  other link.
At  last  I  want  to  convey  my  heartiest  respectful  feelings to every religion, I  pay  homage  to  each  and  every  religion  in  this  universe, each and every synonym name for God in this Universe. But still want to  choose  the  path  in  search  of  God  which  itself  is  an  independent path that can lead me directly to God.

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