The Bold Voice of J&K

Society seeks facts from so called secularist Congress led UPA

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Er. Jitender Kohli

The unconditional support extended to PDP by the Kashmir Valley centric political groups including NC and Nehru-Gandhi family led Congress becoming first for it in the name of secularism has compelled the society to seek facts from this group.
The Congress is being found the real culprit who for the vested interests has manipulated all the fuss. Indira Gandhi when was being deserted by her political stalwarts created regional political parties placing her pawn on the political board.  Among them, Sheikh Abdullah was released from the jail to become ruler of this State having no surviving party or its elected Assembly member.
Why the senior political leaders of Congress stood for all wrong deeds at the cost of national interests and integrity, the society thinks for? We find a questioner floated in the social media by a section of society which need answered by the Congress led UPA including Kashmir leadership who forcefully claim to be most secular and nationalist lot so that the confusion is settled for once and all. The query observed in social media is as under
“ARE YOU A SECULARIST? Then please answer these questions for yourself!
There are nearly 52 Muslim countries. — Show one Muslim country where Hindus are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded as in India?
Show one country where the 85 per cent majority craves for the indulgence of the 15 per cent minority. —
Show one Muslim country, which has a Non- Muslim as its President or Prime Minister.
Hindu-majority Maharashtra, Bihar, Kerala, Pondicherry, etc. have in the past elected Muslims as CM ….. Can you ever imagine a Hindu becoming the CM of Muslim -majority J and K? —
In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24per cent.Today it is not even 1 per cent.
In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30per cent. Today it is about 7 per cent.
What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights?
In contrast, in India, Muslim population has gone up from 10.4 per cent in 1951 to about 14 per cent today; whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2 per cent in 1951 to 85 per cent in 1991.
Do you still think that Hindus are fundamentalists?
In India today Hindus are 85 per cent. If Hindus are intolerant, how come Masjids and Madrasas are thriving? How come Muslims are offering Namaaz on the road? How come Muslims are proclaiming five times a day on loud speakers that there is no God except Allah?
When Hindus gave to Muslims 30 per cent of Bharat for a song, why should Hindus now beg for their sacred places at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi?
Why Gandhi objected to the decision of the Cabinet and insisted that Somnath Temple should be reconstructed out of public fund, not government funds. When in January 1948 he pressurised Nehru and Patel to carry on renovation of the Mosques of Delhi at government expenses?
Why Gandhi and Congress supported Khilafat Movement (nothing to do with our freedom movement) and what in turn did he get?
If Muslims and Christians are minorities in Maharashtra, UP, Bihar etc., are Hindus not minorities in J and K, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya etc? Why Hindus are denied minority rights in these states?
When Haj pilgrims are given subsidy, why Hindu pilgrims to Amarnath, Sabarimalai  and Kailash Mansarover are taxed?
When Christian and Muslim schools can teach Bible and Quran.  Why Hindus cannot teach Gita or Ramayan in our schools?
Do you admit that Hindus do have problems that need to be recognised? Or do you think that those who call themselves Hindus are themselves the problem?
Why post -Godhra is blown out of proportion, when no-one talks of the ethnic cleansing of four lakh Hindus from Kashmir?
Why Temple funds are spent for the welfare of Muslims and Christians, when they are free to spend their money in any way they like?
When uniform is made compulsory for school children, why there is no Uniform Civil Code for citizens?
In what way, J and K is different from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu or Uttar Pradesh, to have Article 370?
Abdul Rehman Antuley was made a trustee of the famous Siddhi Vinayak Temple in Prabhadevi, Mumbai ….Can a Hindu – say Mulayam or Laloo – ever become a trustee of a Masjid or Madrasa?
This is not prepared by/for any political party/group … these are the observations and facts.
These questions need replied by the so called secular political leaders to smoothen the under current anti-Congress led UPA still being felt through the latest elections results.
In this State the Kashmir Valley voters have voted for PDP and Jammu region for the BJP, this can’t be labeled as communal as both regions have rejected incompetent governance of NC-Congress Coalition Government for the last six years. Both the parties should become realistic analysers to see in long run national, state and their own political benefits by providing equal development to all the regions keeping their political agendas behind. BJP has not failed in Valley but seems to have initiated its presence and need felt there.
The NC-Congress governing had provided oxygen to the separatists and those among whom some are elected as independent candidates are trapping PDP to make her failure for their own tricky

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