The Bold Voice of J&K

SMART CITY: Why still unscheduled power cuts in Jammu?

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Jackson, Artist

Even after the installation of smart meters in Jammu, we continue to experience long power cuts, which are causing a lot of trouble. The public wants to ask the Power Development Department why there are so many power cuts despite the installation of smart meters. We were told that there would be no power cuts once the smart meters were installed. Is this a false promise made by the government? If power cuts are necessary, they should be done during the day rather than at night. This issue is causing us significant distress.

Manish, Businessman

Power cuts have caused us a lot of distress. We have no electricity at home; I am sitting in my car with the AC on, and the fuel is running out. This is our Jammu and its so-called smart projects. I believe the government should think about us in this extreme heat so that we can stay comfortably at home. Living without electricity in this heat has become very difficult.”

Jasmeet Singh, Trader

Due to power cuts, the entire Jammu is facing problems. Power goes out for 4 hours a day, causing even the inverters to become useless. I believe installing smart meters in Jammu has been of no benefit. If the government has installed these smart meters, it should take full responsibility for their functioning and address the distress of the people of Jammu. If the government cannot manage this, then the smart meters should be removed.

Prem Sharm, Social Activist

“Electricity bills have caused a lot of trouble for every poor person, and in this intense heat, the power cuts are excessive. I appeal to the Lieutenant Governor to ensure that we receive proper electricity. If we are being charged such high electricity bills, why are we not getting consistent power supply? I must say that we are being treated unfairly, which is very wrong. The government should consider the poor people.”

Sadiya, Student

I would say that power cuts are affecting students’ studies the most, and the extreme heat is causing significant distress. Efforts are being made to make Jammu ‘smart,’ but the government has failed in this regard because the people of Jammu are not at all happy with the government. Electricity is a basic need; if the government cannot even fulfill this, we cannot have any expectations from them.”

Shekher Sharma, Trader

At night, people usually sleep peacefully, but in our Jammu, peace and comfort have disappeared because of frequent power cuts and excessively high electricity bills. We have small children at home, who are unable to sleep due to the intense heat. There is no benefit to the so-called ‘smart city’ and smart meters. No one is happy with the government’s actions.

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