The Bold Voice of J&K

Shiv Sena burns Pakistan flag

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KATHUA: Shiv Sena ( Bala Ji Sahib Thackery ) Kathua unit on Sunday organised a strong protest against Pakistan and also burnt Pakistan flag.
Protest demonstration was organised under the leadership of Party State President Dimpy Kohli in which thousands of activists of Shiv Sena participated and raised slogans against Pakistan and its army.
Kathua unit In-charge of the party Arun Sharma and Co-ordinator Radhey also took part in the protest.
While addressing the gathering Arun Sharma strongly criticised Pakistani Army , ISI and said that these agencies are breeding terrorism in the entire world.
He said that now time has come for Central Govt. to interfere in the matter as this is a very serious security lapse.
State President of the party Dimpy Kohli also spoke on the occasion and said that the Modi Government should bring out a white paper on the entire shocking attack by half a dozen armed terrorists at Pathankot Air Force Base which is bordering the Indian State, Jammu and Kashmir.
He said that Prime Minister has responsibility to let the nation know what are his impressions and understandings about this attack especially after his visit to Pakistan last week on a hidden agenda.
He said Shiv Sena ( BST) strongly condemn this incident and strongly appealed to all countrymen to remain united to defeat the nefarious designs of the enemy.

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