The Bold Voice of J&K

SHEERism-the revolution across the globe

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     Dr. Kuldeep Singh 

Word “SHEERism” is ascribed to a new philosophy of NGO SHEER [Society Health Environment Education Research] promoting oneness across the globe comprising combined values of three global facts such as the God Energy, Spiritualism, and Constitution.
This philosophy is not developed overnight through present time’s mechanisms involving surf, cut and paste. But it is conceived, developed and now being projected by author, over the years of experiences from surroundings. These experiences also include what a little we could learn from religious Holy Scriptures, five years distinguished service as NSS Programme Officer of GGM Science College Jammu [2000-2005], and a book authored titled “Message to youth”.
The proverb, “Might is right” seems to be fit in present scenario while talking about the world leaders. They world leaders may be political or religious have successfully divided the people into various groups, sub-groups and to the extent of micro-levels according to their own conveniences and rulings. In some instances these divisions are engraved in DNA that has assumed the form of unforgettable enmity.
Leaders have misled the people in general to concentrate on core issues such as the rising gulf between rich and poor, much degradation of living conditions on this Earth planet, and constitutional provisions thrown to wind.
About 1 per cent people across the globe control 99per cent of world wealth and only 1 per cent wealth is controlled by 99per cent people. According to Credit Suisse, India’s wealth has increased by $2.284 trillion between 2000 and 2015. Of this rise, the richest 1per cent has hogged 61per cent, while the top 10per cent bagged 81per cent. The other 90per cent have got the leftovers.
Now, Earth is not worth living. Your lives and living conditions are in dangers following threats from various kinds of disasters. About 90 per cent to 95 per cent disasters are manmade [anthropogenic] and rest percentage the natural ones. Major manmade disasters are the social, technological, climatic, explosion in population, etc.
Well being of a nation is governed by the constitutional provisions. Crimes rate are rising day by day. Females are not safe. Laws do exist but what about their implementations that everybody knows.
Your silence on these issues is suicidal. Loosing heart is no solution. Humanity still exists everywhere, and around the world, but it is scattered and silent. Yes, time is now ripe to awaken self and act in unison for transforming.
Therefore, through the provisions of SHEERism, aim is to bring a revolution across the globe. Understanding this philosophy, it requires discussion on three aspects the GOD Energy; Spiritualism, and Constitutional provisions.
God Energy: The various divisions in the name of God have posed threat and reflect illiteracy. We earnestly desire to end all these divisions. In our opinion God does exist everywhere that we firmly believe. We believe the existence of God in form of energy. The whole Universe is the energy and it is the God energy.
On Earth planet, we recognise God energy in two forms. One form, thebiotic [living] energy and the second form the abiotic [non-living] energy. Biotic energy comprises the plants [Botany], animals [Zoology] and microorganisms [Microbiology].
Non-living energy exists in form of physico-chemical energy available as factors of life such as- air [atmosphere], water [hydrosphere], and land resources [lithosphere].
In all the organisms God Energy is in form of bio-molecule named scientifically as DNA [deoxyribose nucleic acid]. This energy is universal and it is of own/specific kinds in every organism responsible for bringing the existence of organisms variously in diverse forms.
Sun is the main source of chemical [food] energy for the organisms. Green plants [autotrophs] trap the radiant energy of the sun using raw materials such as carbon dioxide from atmosphere, water, and mineral ions [from soil], a process called photosynthesis.
Food energy passes through various consumers both herbivores and carnivores. Finally the dead remains of organisms and their fecal matter is processed by microorganisms and recycled in the environment. This process is cyclic.
Further, living energy the DNA energy is involved in creation of next generation involving a physiological process called reproduction. All this is happening since the creation of life. The complex interactions between plants, animals, man, and microorganisms is the beauty of God’s design ascribed herein the title of “GOD Science”.
Your God energy is under threat as evidenced from rising trends in deadly diseases among children. Have you realized it?
What all this speaks? Isn’t it the God’s will and His designs that you are having existence and perpetuating? What else more is required to understand God and His Energy? Find answers to these questions within you. You all would agree what we have narrated. All this is the stark truth till day. No body can challenge the God and His energy.
Spiritualism: Man’s spirit without values of spiritualism is demon like. People generally perform various rituals linked with respective religions. It is their faith that we do not confront but respect them all through core. But they must not be blind also. Knowledge is the gateway towards Spiritualism.
We believe strongly in practical Spiritualism. Our spiritualism is well enshrined in Holy Scriptures linked with various faiths such as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and Christian.
All Holy Scriptures are equally full of living values. These scriptures deserve equal respect be that Bhagwat Gita; Pak Quran; Guru Granth Sahib; or Holy Bible. Equal respect means no Holy Scripture is superior to others. Holy Scriptures are the supreme and recognize no political boundary. We mean that Holy Scriptures are Universal.
Guru Granth Sahib is the living Guru and the latest one in the history enshrining Holy Verses advocated by Saints of all faiths and all religions.
Being in existence along with spiritualistic values may transform you an enlightened man. In our opinion this achievement is also small. You are great only when follow the constitutional provisions while living-staying-working in respective country.
Once, the man is Spiritualistic then understanding Constitutional values is not difficult. Both values are two sides of the same coin.
(To be continued)

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