The Bold Voice of J&K



Consider this: A sick man is attended to by two nurses. One of them is anxious and upset by the illness, while the other is composed and steady. Which of the two will do their duty better? Most will agree that the one with a steady and composed mind will be better.
Our state of mind affects how well we do our duty. In the order of things, duty is higher than responsibility. Duty comes from one’s obligation to the self. A clear sense of duty helps one prioritize better. So, whether you are a teacher, homemaker, doctor, or a soldier, we all have our duties and responsibilities. When the mind is conflicted, there is confusion between duty and responsibility.
Five thousand years ago, on the battlefield of Mahabharat, Arjun was conflicted in his duty. His mind became unsteady and his hand could no longer lift the bow. Krishn enlightened Arjun to his duty. He did so by revealing to Arjun the secret to a steady mind anchored in the Self. He said in the Bhagwad Gita 2:55, “Arjun, transcend desires and be content in the Self. This will help you become stithaprajna, the one whose insight is steady.” Such a person is clear about his duty and performs it without any inner conflict.
Years ago, during my business days, a young man worked for me as a pharmacy intern. He was fast with prescriptions and good with retail sales, two crucial skills. So, when an opportunity came to buy a new store, I invited him to be a partner.
He was keen, but he didn’t have the money to invest. So, I financed his share and got him started as an entrepreneur. Over the next few years, he generated a decent profit. But then, something changed. The business started losing money. One day, I spoke to him and offered to assist him in any way. He pushed back, saying, “We don’t make money because insurance rules gouge us.” But the rules were the same for my other stores too, and they all made a profit. Something didn’t add up, but I didn’t probe further.
A few months later, he did a deal with the landlord and transferred the lease to his name. Then he pushed me to give him my share of the business.

-Kamlesh Patel

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