The Bold Voice of J&K

RBI Ombudsman Jammu organises ‘Walkathon’ at Jagti to celebrate World Consumer Rights Day-2023

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Jammu: Office of the RBI Ombudsman, Jammu organized a Walkathon at Jagti Township on Thursday on the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day.
The event was organized in collaboration Mata Sarswati Pustakalay- A community Project of Helpline Humanity (NGO) in which number of students from the Pustakalaya and the residents of the Jagti Township participated.
The aim of the programme was to create awareness among the people about the consumer rights particularly of the consumers of the entities Regulated by Reserve Bank and covered under the Reserve Bank-Integrated Ombudsman Scheme-2021.
The Scheme launched by Prime Minister on November 12, 2021 seeks to provide expeditious and cost-free resolution of the consumer grievances of the Regulated Entities such as banks, NBFCs and Payment System Participants.
The participants of the commenced walkathon from Mata Saraswati Pustakalaya, holding placards displaying financial literacy messages took a full round of the entire township and the culminated the walk at the same place.
Earlier, Shri Ramesh Chand, RBI Ombudsman while flagging off the walkathon, highlighted the importance of the Financial Literacy and its wider dissemination among the masses and sought active participation of the people in general and student community in particular in taking this educative campaign forward.
Later a financial literacy and awareness programme was held in the lawns of the Pustakalya which was attended by a huge gathering of the people comprising women, senior citizens, local bankers and students etc.
Ramesh Chand dwelt at length on the role of the Ombudsman and the benefits of the Ombudsman Scheme for the common masses with grievances against the Regulated Entities.
Anil Reshi, Deputy Ombudsman shared some real-life cases and the learnings from such cases. He underlined the importance of good financial behaviour for effortless and errorless banking consumer experience.
He also spoke about the latest trends in the fraudulent activities particular digital frauds in the banking spectrum and advised the participants to stay away from the lure of lotteries, cheap fund transfer offers.
He also informed the gathering to immediately report such activities to your banks and not to share confidential credentials like card number, ATM PIN, OTP, MPIN, Passwords etc. related to your accounts.
Speaking on the occasion M K Bhat, President, Helpline Humanity requested the members of public to take advantage of this important and crucial information and behave like enlightened consumers.
He thanked the Ombudsman and his entire team in choosing Jagti Township for such an event and exuded hope that the office would continue to organize such useful programmes for the residents of the Township in future.

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