The Bold Voice of J&K

POWERGRID provides battery bank for SPV system to Principal EJMC, Leh, Ladakh

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Jammu: Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), a Maharatna PSU under Ministry of Power, Government of India, has provided 120V-1275AH VRLA Battery Bank for SPV System to Principal Eliezer Joldan Memorial College (EJM) Leh, Ladakh. Rajesh Kumar, Executive Director, POWERGRID, Northern Region-II handed over the battery bank to Dr. Sameena Iqbal, Principal Eliezer Joldan Memorial College on 14.08.2023, in the presence of Anil Sharma, Chief General Manager (Projects), POWERGRID, NR-II, K V Sampath Kumar, Sr. General Manager(Finance), Shafat Ahmed Wani, Sr.General Manager(Ladakh/Kashmir), Disket Angmo,Vice Principal, EJMC and other senior officials of POWERGRID and Eliezer Joldan Memorial College. The cost of this battery bank is around 15 lakhs. This CSR effort of POWERGRID will augment the electrical infrastructure of the college. Eliezer Joldan Memorial College (EJM) Leh, Ladakh is the Government Degree College in Leh, in the Union Territory of Ladakh. It offers undergraduate courses in science, commerce, and arts. The College authorities had approached POWERGRID for installation of batteries for Solar Power plant which was establishment in the said college in year 2010. The solar power plant is not in use due to nonfunctional batteries and lack of funds with College Authorities to procure the same. The installation & replacement of batteries by POWERGRID shall enable the College to cater the supply of electricity throughout the day and studies of the students will not hamper. This will also ensure security & safety and environment friendly source of energy in the College. On this occasion Principal and staff of the collegethanked POWERGRID for taking up this CSR initiative for providing this particular infrastructure which will benefit the students and college staff. POWERGRID has been continuously extending support for development of various infrastructure activities in the UT of Ladakh through its CSR initiatives.

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