The Bold Voice of J&K

Plea to Finance Minister

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Dear Editor,
We seek to draw the generous attention of the Finance Minister, Abdul Rahim Rather and Director General Accounts and Treasurers J and K towards  the following few submission for favour of their sympathetic consideration and immediate necessary  action/orders thereon by way of releasing funds under Major Account Head No.s: SNG-GPF-Mig-and Major Account head No. 20071-pensioners and pensionery benefits thereon at the earliest:-
That, I have submitted my GP Fund withdrawal Refundable Bill under major Account head No. SNG-GPF-Mig at Addl. Treasury Gandhi Nagar Jammu on 20th June 2014 through proper channel from the office of the Principal Government Girls, Hr. Sec. School Camp Shastri Nagar, Jammu.Whenever, the Establishment head of our institution goes to the office of the Addl. Treasury Officer Gandhi Nagar he (Addl. Treasury Officer) says they have no funds under Major Account Head No. SNG-GPF-Mig and hence he is helpless to pass the bills of GPF withdraw Refundable/Non-Refundable employees. Really speaking the Treasury Officers Addl. Treasury Gandhi Nagar Jammu and his staff is not at fault. But it is the fault of the aforesaid officers to whom we have made the fervent plea second time. May be we may be having wrong information, inputs it may kindly be verified.
Similarly, the employees who have retired and superannuated from their respective services from their respective department through the length and breadth of the J and K State have not been paid their pensionary benefits viz-Gradty, Leave Salary, Commutation and Final GPF withdrawal due to non-availability of funds reportedly under Major Account head No. 20071-Pension-Superannuation as informed to the undersigned by many retired employees.
Now, three months have lapsed my GPF Refundable bill is still pending in the office of the Addl. Treasury Officer  Gandhi Nagar, Jammu for no fault of the concerned Treasury Officer and his staff due to non-availability of funds reportedly because the concern Treasury Officer releases the salary etc. at proper time in favour of the employees under control office.
Needless to mention it here, that GP Fund is not any kind of Extra Buck but is the Hard Earned Money-(HEM)  of the employees who save and subscribe it as a mandatory fund to utilise it at the time of emergency like higher studies of the children, Yougneapavit Ceremony, repairs of house, Khatan Hall, engagement and marriage of daughters and sons etc.
Therefore, keeping the submissions and facts in view it is once again fervently requested to the J and K Finance Minister, Abdul Rahim Rather, and Director General Accounts and Treasurers J and K to understand the problems of the pensioners and  the GPF Non-Refundable withdrawl employees by way of understanding the gravity of the situation of the pensioners-senior citizens and  by way of issuance of immediate release of funds under Major Acount head Nos. SNG-GPF-Mig and No. 20071- Pensioners-Superannuation at the earliest so that the old aged pensioners and the employees may not suffer any more and may not be forced to come on the streets and roads etc to lodge their protest in a democratic-peacefull manner to save their skin and to feed their familes and get medicines etc.
Ashok L. Koul (Lalpuri) and others
45 Ajit Colony
Gole Gujaral-Jammu-2.

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