The Bold Voice of J&K

‘PHC Awoora in bad condition without doctors’

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KUPWARA: Expressing concern over deteriorating condition of Primary Health Centre (PHC) Awoora in Kupwara District, President, SMILE, a Non Government Organization (NGO) working for the protection of human rights, Advocate Saleem Qureshi criticized the government for its dual policy.
“On one hand government is claiming to take all possible necessary measures to improve the rural health mission but on the other hand rural areas of the State are still facing the basic health care facilities and the government instead of taking necessary measures is avoiding the responsibility,” he said.
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Kupwara instead of taking cognizance of the situation in PHC makes to fun as a result inhabitants of the area are facing a lot of hardship for better treatment, he said.
Though in rural areas of Kupwara such as Karan,Karnah, Kupwara, Machel, Jumagandh and Lolab valley ambulances have been provided by the Health Department but all of them are non functional, he said and demanded immediate repair for the same.
He said, while apprising CMO Kupwara about the critical condition of the PHC, CMO instead of taking any action or inquiry has rejected the claims and paid no attention toward the genuine problem of the public.
Advocate Saleem urged the government in general and the authorities of Health Department in particular to take the immediate steps for the improvements of the PHC centre and also to initiate an inquiry against such negligent and truants employees posted there.

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