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Parents can be helpful in preventing the development of ADHD-study

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Surjit Singh Flora

Raising a child with ADHD can be a mix of fulfilling and demanding experiences. Being patient and providing encouragement are essential, along with ensuring they receive appropriate support in school or other settings and seeking medical intervention if necessary. A child or teenager with ADHD may experience challenges with self-confidence and may find it difficult to keep up with others, leading to slower completion of tasks such as chores and schoolwork. It’s important to offer praise for positive actions and gently guide them when they exhibit behaviors related to their mental disorder, such as distractions, lack of focus, forgetfulness, or impulsivity. As a child/teen with ADHD, parents need to be more patient and gentler with their children while they are growing up.
A University of Waterloo study revealed that parents can be helpful in preventing the development of ADHD in children.
Nowadays, ADHD is emerging as a big problem in young children. Due to this, they are more active. If it is not corrected in time, they face trouble concentrating on anything, which increases the worries of parents as well. However, a study has revealed that parents can prevent their children from developing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by taking a few precautions if they want to. This can be possible if they pay more attention to children and change their parenting style.
According to psychologists, children’s hyperactive behavior, parenting and brain function play a role in the development of ADHD symptoms. Professor involved in the amendment. Heather Henderson said that parents can actually prevent ADHD from developing by spending more time with children and providing proper instruction in between. These include guiding children through verbal and physical cues as they encounter new situations. 291 children aged four months to 15 years were followed up during the study. The researchers evaluated children’s temperament and parents’ interactions over three years. Child functioning was assessed at four years and parent-reported ADHD symptoms were analyzed six times between the ages of five and 15.
The study found that children’s temperament and parenting style have an impact on it. Proper guidance with verbal and physical cues during parenting can keep children on the right track of development and prevent ADHD symptoms from escalating.
Also, portraying parents with ADHD as chaotic whirlwinds was not my intention. There are numerous outstanding parents out there with ADHD. Parents who have ADHD can relax and enjoy being spontaneous and adventurous. They possess a wide range of positive qualities, including generosity, creativity, empathy, humor, problem-solving skills, and fearlessness. I have observed that parents with ADHD create loving homes because they prioritize what truly matters and are understanding rather than judgmental of their imperfections.
If you are finding it challenging to parent a child while also dealing with ADHD, I completely understand. Take action for your children and yourself by seeking assistance. It could involve medication, therapy, or just reading books on parenting with ADHD. It will have a significant impact on your life and the lives of your children, too.
In the end let me share few tips: It’s essential to learn about ADHD and its impact on your child. Inform yourself about the symptoms, challenges, and treatment options. Understanding this information will enable you to offer appropriate assistance and champion for your child’s requirements.
Consult with healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians, psychologists, or psychiatrists, who specialize in ADHD for professional guidance. They are skilled at providing precise diagnoses, recommending various treatment options (such as therapy and medication), and assisting in creating a comprehensive management strategy.
Establish a Structured Routine: Children diagnosed with ADHD typically find structure and routines to be beneficial. Creating a structured schedule for meals, homework, playtime, and bedtime is essential. Consider incorporating visual aids or timers to assist your child in comprehending and adhering to the routine.
Teach Organizational Skills: Assist your child in honing organizational skills by incorporating calendars, planners, and checklists into their routine. Establish specific areas for school supplies and personal items.
Encourage Healthy Sleep Habits: Sufficient sleep is crucial for addressing ADHD symptoms. Set up a regular bedtime routine and make sure your child gets sufficient sleep every night.
Practice patience and empathy: Raising a child with ADHD can be quite demanding at times. Show patience, understanding, and empathy. Emphasize your child’s strengths and acknowledge their achievements.
Do not anticipate your child with ADD/ADHD to act like their peers. Avoid exposing him to settings that intensify his panic, like crowded and noisy places with a lot of stimulation.
If you need to bring your child along for shopping, try to go during quieter times. Select companions who are more laid-back. Consult with educators who are knowledgeable about the current situation and make sure necessary adjustments are implemented for him.
ADHD symptoms do not typically respond to discipline, threats, rewards, or medication. Some tools provide temporary relief to the family, while the child may feel equally or even more distressed. Due to a lack of serotonin, individuals with ADHD may experience ongoing depression. In children, this can manifest as aggression, including hitting or damaging property. Parents often find it challenging to connect their child’s negative behavior with depression. When a child requires the most care and support, it is often when they are the least lovable.
Very important : Discuss your child’s health with him, making sure to explain in a way that is appropriate for his age why he is feeling so uncomfortable. Utilize videos and images to provide reassurance that ADHD is a recognized condition.
It’s important to keep in mind that every child with ADHD is different, so what may be effective for one child might not be for another. Customize your approach according to your child’s needs, strengths, and challenges, and remain flexible in adjusting your methods as you gain a better understanding of their unique requirements.

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