The Bold Voice of J&K

Panchayat polls

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The fate of Panchayt elections in Jammu and Kashmir hangs in uncertainty. Shifted many time from its stipulated dates the conduct of polls looks a far off reality. In view of the five year term of Gram Panchayats completed on July 14, 2016, the Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj has issued instructions to Director Rural Development that in absence of elected Gram Panchayats, the functions of Gram Panchayats and other day-to-day matter shall be conferred upon Block Development Officers and Panchayat Secretaries for smooth functioning of panchayats and carrying development works ahead. There are a total of 4,198 Gram Panchayats in State out of which 1,964 are in Jammu and 2,234 in Kashmir. Till the election process is completed the functions of Panchayats will be delivered by the BDOs and respective Panchayat Secretaries. The decision would enable uninterrupted flow of funds for developmental works in absence of elected Gram Panchayats and will also ensure regular funding under all the Centrally Sponsored Schemes especially MGNREGA which entails conduct of regular Gram Sabha meetings for approval of works and budgets. The fiscal flow to the Panchayats will have to be maintained by the department through the notified officials if the developmental works are to be carried forward otherwise there would be an imbalance in the regional development story of the State. In 2014 also the government had dissolved the Panchayats to hold fresh elections to the Panchayati Raj Institutions. Panchayat elections in some parts of the State were held in 2001 under a separate J and K Panchayat Raj Act, 1989 but only 50 per cent of the 2,700 Panchayats could become functional due to disturbed conditions. The Panchayat election 2011 in J and K displayed overall enthusiasm of the people and was a positive message regarding the resilience of democratic politics. Around 80 per cent voter turnouts were recorded. Unfortunately at that time situation in which elections were held when the armed conflict was still a reality and the elected Panchs and Sarpanchs were worried about their lives as many were killed sending a message that they should not be participating during the election.

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